《Pick Between The Two》

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I have came up with a new Jander story, and I really love it. So I'm going to have you pick between the one you originally picked and this one. I have a lot of ideas for this one and I'm really excited to write it.

1. My Little Vampire

2. My Unordinary Life

I will give you an explanation for both.

My Little Vampire:

Jake suspected something was a little off when Daisy kissed him, at the age of six. But he never would have expected, he'd be into boys.

One night after work, Drew, Liam, Henry and Jake go to a bar. They just want to have a boys night, and have fun. However Drew gets in a car crash which leads to him being hospitalized.

Jake is heartbroken, and runs out of the hospital and into the woods behind it. There he meets a dark and mysterious vampire, named Zander.

Will they become friends? Or maybe even something more....?

My Unordinary Life:

Hi my name is Jake. And my life is pretty ordinary.... Well for the most part. I'm not like everyone else. Everyone else has an ability of some sort, rather its mind reading abilities, or shield ones. Everyone has an ability. Everyone but me and my father.

You may not think that's a big deal. Well it kinda is when-

A boy with dark green hair went though the wall. "What the hell Liam!!!" the boy coughed up blood.

'I'll think I'm just going to use the other bathroom....'

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now