《Chapter 7》 'New Crush....'

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*Luke's Pov*

I was standing outside of my locker, I had just had science, and I was getting ready to go to my next class.

I sighed. I've been pretty upset since yesterday. Every since Jake sang I've been jealous. Zander seems to like him, and the worst part is I know why he does.

He's been trying to cheer me up since he's realized I've been upset. And honestly it just makes me feel worse. I sighed again. And started walking to my next class.

"Hey Luke!" I look behind me to see Jake walking towards me. "Oh hey Jake." I said with a smile. "Oh.. I uh couldn't help but notice you were looking pretty down in the dumps today..." he said while he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with Zan-- that person you like hun?" He asked me. I let out a small breath. "How'd you guess?"

"Well I know you mentioned something about singing yesterday... I know you might not be able to sing but... you could always just right them a love song." He suggested.

My whole mood changed. I stood up straight and had a genuine smile on my face. "Hey I could even perform it for you, if you'd like." He said cheerfully.

"You'd really do that!?" I gushed "of course!.... hey I'm sure Hailey can sacrifice just a few minutes for us during rehearsals." My smile grew, and I couldn't help but feel this little spek of hope left in me.

"T-that would be great!" I stuttered. "I'll write it tonight. So you sing it tomorrow during lunch time rehearsals?" I asked him. His eyes widened. "Uh... yeah sure..but you dont have to rush-"

"Thank you Jake! I really appreciate it! I'm going to go work on it now! I'll see you tomorrow!" I then ran into the other direction, and started thinking of good song lyrics.

*3rd person Pov*

"Alright today we should practice our performances skills. We don't want to just sound good on stage, but also look good." Hailey then looked around the room.

"Does anyone know where Luke and Jake are?" She asked. "I'm right here!" A familial voice shouted. "Sorry I'm late... where's Luke?" Jake asked as he walked over to them.

"Im Here!" another voice yelled out from the door. "Sorry I'm late I needed to get something from my locker." He looked over to Jake with a smile on his face.

"What's that you got there?" Milly asked. "O-Oh uh this is-" Before Luke could finish Milly snatched the paper and started reading it.

Luke sighed. "Jake proposed I tried writing my own song yesterday so...." Luke trailed of, as the blush on his face became more noticeable. "You wrote a love song!!" Milly yelled out.

Jake started to blush slightly. No he didn't like Luke like that its just.... it made it seem like Luke had a crush on him.

"Wait what!? Really Luke! That's so unlike you." Hailey said in her usual happy tone of voice. "I didn't know you were interested in song writing..." Zander said in a bit of a jealous tone.

He didn't like how Luke was blushing as he talked about Jake, and he didn't like how Jake was so close to Luke. He wanted to be close to Jake not Luke.

"Oh... um um not really...I wanted to try it out. Jake even said he'd sing it before we started rehearsals..." he looked hopefully at Jake.

Jake gave Luke a smile. "Yep! I'm sure a couple minutes out of our rehearsal time wouldn't hurt. Right Hailey?" He asked her. She blushed, and nodded.

"Oh thank you so much Jake!" Luke yelled excitedly. "Here." He handed Jake the lyric sheet. "I really hope you like the song. Im not really a writer so..."

Jake responded with a smile and said "That's okay Luke. Theres a first time for everything. And besides, I've only writen a couple songs myself."

Luke then looked over to Sean. "I actually wrote this with a track I found online. Maybe I could send it to your laptop Sean?"

"That would be great!" Sean then walked over to his computer, and waited to get the message from Luke. Once he did Jake got in front of the mic and got ready to sing.

I want you to show me, how to get to know...

Someone like you...

Someone like you. I want you to know me, cause I know then you'll see.

And we could be true...

And we could be true...

I want you to see what I see in us~

As Jake was singing, Luke was looking over at Zander to see his reaction. Zander was blushing... but not because Luke wrote the song. But because Jake was the one singing it.

Luke saw this... and began to grow upset... he decided to move his eyes away from Zander and focus on what was happening right in front of him. He then looked back to Jake... but only this time he began to notice things he hadn't seen before.

Like how his hair went from a darker pink to a lighter pink the lower his hair was. Or the when Jake was singing he always had a huge smile on his face, and just peacefully looked at home.

Luke began to look over his facial features, and realised how hot Jake actually was. Luke began to blush, as he checked Jake out.

Something so real... something so real~

I want you to see that, this is love.

That we both feel....that we both feel~

And how would we ever know if the love will ever grow?

Without trying~

Without trying~

And how will we ever see if we are ment to be?

It's terrifying~

It's terrifying~

The beat began to make Milly and Sean rock back and forth.

That were ment to be!


Were ment to be....

Were ment to be......

When to music ended and Jake stopped singing, everyone began to clap. "Your amazing Jake!" Milly complemented. "That's was amazing Jake! You sang it so beautifully...." Luke said in soft tone.

Jake didn't pick up on this however everyone else did.

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now