《Chapter 10》 'An Old 'Friend'....'

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Authors note: I rewrote chapter nine so if you have not read that, or bot sure if you have read it. Then please go read it. Otherwise this will not make any sense to you.

*Jake's Pov*

I woke up surprisingly really comfortable. I remember falling alseep, against Zander's shoulder. However whatever I was laying on now was definitely not Zander's shoulder. I wasn't sure what it was intill I started to hear a heartbeat.

I pushed myself up to see if I was right. And I was....I was laying on Zander!! My face started to turn all sorts of pink.

He started to stir awake. I panicked, but before I could do anything, he opened his light purple eyes. I then watched as his eyes widened, and as blush covered his face.

"J-jake! W-what what are you doing!" He stuttered. He moved his arms trying to get up. But in the process hit the only thing that was keeping my from falling straight onto him. My arms.

I fell ontop of him, more now then I was before. My arms were now on his chest, and my lips were only inches from his. We just laid there, staring into each others eyes.

I then watched his gaze go from my eyes to my lips. I blushed knowing what was about to happen. He was about to close the gap between are lips when we heard an unexpected voice.

"Ahem!" Hailey coughed out. "I'm glad you two finally got together and all, but Jake your parents are probably worried."

I sat up and so did Zander. "Where not together Hailey, we just accidentally fell asleep..." Zander frowned. But Hailey only sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well ethier way you should probably get going." She told me.

I nodded and grabbed my school bag. "Well I'll see you two later then?" They both nodded and I headed out the door.

*Hailey Pov*

After I watched Jake exit the front door, I immediately looked towards Zander. "Soooo.... what were you to doing before I got here?~" I asked.

Zander stood up flustered, and turned to look at me. "Nothing of course, like Jake said.... we only fell asleep. That's all..." I gave him a sad smile.

"You should tell him how you feel you know....I bet he feels the same." Zander only shook his head. "No... he likes that Daisy girl...." he mumbled.

I sighed to myself. 'When is one of these boys going to man up, and tell the other they like them!' "Well we should eat breakfast. It's only five." He nodded and followed me out to the kitchen.

*3rd person Pov*

Jake was now walking home as Hailey suggested, but he couldn't get one thing out of his mind, and that was the second almost kiss with Zander. The first one was in the bathroom, it wasn't that big of a deal. In the heat of the moment sort of speak.

But the second one... the second one was just too perfect. Well it was... intill Hailey interrupted. And Jake couldn't help but wonder what would have happened, if Hailey had waited only a few moments longer.

When Jake looked up from the ground, he realized he was almost home. He once again started to walk, but then stopped hearing his phone go off.

💜 Zander 💜

Hey Jake...I just wanted to say sorry for earlier.

Jake bit his lip. He didn't know how to respond. He wanted to say he didn't mind it. Hell that actually enjoyed the almost kiss. But he didn't want to ruin his friendship so instead he just responded with:

It's no problem Zander. No need to worry. Heh.. this is the second time you've apologized to me! XD

Jake sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. He then continued to walk, intill he got all the way home.

Jake fumbled with his house key trying to put it in the keyhole. Once he did he opened the door. "-He should be home soon, he most likely just went to a friends house."

"Mom!" Jake called out to her. Jake's mom turned around. "Ah! There you are Jake!" She cheered, more happy then usual.

Jake just raised an eyebrow, and she just smile softly. "Mom what's going on?" he asked slightly nervous. "Your never going to believe who has come to vist!" She yelled.

Jake's mom then moved out of the way and standing there was no other then...

Gabriel.... his cousin...

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now