《Chapter 3 》 'Jake's Past......'

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I turned to look at her. "Hailey... if I tell you this you can't tell ANYONE! Ok?" I told her in a serious tone.

She nodded and I looked into the hall to make sure no one was ease dropping. Once I saw it was clear I locked the door and walked back to the drum sets where Hailey was.

I sighed once more. "I over heard a conversation between Jake and two random kids." Her eyes narrowed. "What did he say? Because I swear if it was anything bad i'll-"

"Chill Hailey. He actually.... he stood up for me..." Her eyes widened in shock. "He what!!" She yelled in disbelief. I looked up and glared at her. "Do you want someone to overhear us?"

She rolled her eyes. "But yeah he did... the two boys were talking trash about me to each other and Jake must have overheard and started to defend me."

She nodded her head slowly as if telling me to keep going. "But there's one thing that confuses me." Haliey raised and eyebrow.

"Jake told those boys he was gay." Hailey's mouth dropped and her eyes widened for one of the several times today. "But that doesn't make any sense..." she muttered. "Didn't Milly say he liked Daisy?" I nodded.

"Maybe he was lying? Or he likes both genders?" She suggested. I sighed. "There's also something else, after he told them he was gay both boys turned around and walked away but yelled back "Once a music freak, always a music freak." What do you think that means Hailey?"

She bit her lip in deep thought. "I honestly don't know Zander. Have you ever thought of asking Jake. I mean he must have known what they ment."

I chuckled. "Yeah... that's never gonna happen Hailey."

(Time Skip)

I'm laying in bed thinking about what Hailey said earlier. 'Ha there's no way I'm asking Jake. Hailey must be crazy if she thinks otherwise.'

'Ugh but the curiosity is killing me...' I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts, intill I finally found the one I was looking for Jake.

'I can't believe I'm doing this.....'


Hey Jake. I know it's late but can I ask you something?

Wow! Would never expect a text from you this late. But sure fire away!

Earlier today I saw you with two boys and I heard them say "Once a music freak always a music freak" what do they mean by that?

....How much did you hear exactly?

Not a whole lot, only right before they walked away.

Okay....I will tell you what there talking about... but please don't tell anyone.....

Okay I promise.

Well back in primary school. I liked to sing....but I was...

Picked on because of it.... But unlike you, Hailey, Luke, Milly, and Sean....I was all by myself. So I decided to give up singing and fit it so I wouldn't have to be picked on anymore.

Wow..... I did not expect that..

I didn't expect you too.

Well is there anything else you want to talk about? 😄

Nope. That's all. See ya tomorrow.

See ya!

"Wow.... Jake was bullied..." I sighed. 'I better go to sleep now before I think too much into it....'

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now