《Chapter 13 》'The New Member....'

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*Jake's Pov*

As I opened the door, a noticed a couple of changes in the room. One, there was another person....Gabriel.... and two everyone but Luke was glaring daggers at me.

"What's going on??" I asked. "We have a new member...." Hailey said slowly. I gulped looking other at Gabriel.

'No....no this...this can't be happening...not again.... my friends...Gabriel....no....not again....'

"Okay.... but why are you all glaring daggers at me, except for Luke...?" I asked nervously. Zander scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Because you treated Gabriel terribly..."

I could feel my breath hinge. 'N-no....no. WHY! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!! I.... I can never have anything good in my life....'

"What are you talking about!?" I asked my voice becoming weaker. No one seemed to notice this except Luke, and Zander.

"Tch... I should have never gave you a chance.... not only have to left Gabriel to walk on his own, knowing he had know idea were he was going! But then tormented him when he was in primary school. He said you were the reason that he left and came back to see if you changed but apparently not!!" Hailey screamed at me.

At this point my lip started to qwever and tears started to roll down my cheeks. I didn't waste an time turning around and running out of the room. 'I know when I'm unwanted...'. I thought to myself as I heard the music club door slam shut on my way out.

*Zander's Pov*

'Wait... that doesn't add up... Jake said he was bullied in primary school.... not 'The Bully'. Yet again he could have lied....-' I was pulled out of my thoughts by a mad Luke.

"Are you guys serious!!!" He yelled out. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, including me. "Your going to believe someone you met literally five minutes ago! Over your own friend!!" He yelled bitterly.

"For your information it was not Jake who bullied Gabriel! But the other way around!!" He yelled.

"And how do you know that....?" Milly asked weakly. "Because he told me this morning....He was so god dam tense, when I first saw him. He was tense because he was worried of this happening! He was worried that he-"
He pointed towards Gabriel. "Would take away his friends! And the sad thing is that Drew, Liam, and Herny, were able to see what type of person he was in five minutes. While it took me to tell you." He spat and then went to go find Jake.

No one said anything....

"He's right you know..." I muttered....everyone immediately looked at me. "Zander I know you like him but-" I cut her off. "Luke's right." I said bitterly. "Not only did we choose a complete stranger over are own friend! But we all were quick to believe that arse over there, was right because how Jake treated us in the past!"

I swallowed, feeling even more guilty than before. "Jake was the one who was bullied in primary school... he told me..." I muttered feeling worse than before.

Everyone gasped, and turned to Gabriel. Only he had a smirk on his face. "Bravo.... " he said quietly. "If it wasn't for that friend of yours you would have made Jake's life a living hell!!" He laughed.

"I mean you probably already have....this Isn't the first time he's lost faith in people.... especially people with music abilitys...." Milly growled. "What. Did. You. Do!!!" She was about to lunge at him, when Sean started to hold her back.

Gabriel told us.... he told us everything he's done to Jake... it made me sick to my stomach...and all because he was jealous....

*Jake's Pov*

I ran out of the room. Tears now streaming down my cheeks...'I should have known....I should have know...' those words were repeating over and over again. I turned the corner, and bumped right into them... my true friends...

"Jake!" They all cried out. "What's wrong!?" Liam asked me. "H-hailey...Z-zander-" I stuttered out. But I didn't even get to finish my sentence before they pulled me into a hug.

I didn't care. I just cried and cried....as they hug me... as they comforted me.... 'Gosh and hear I thought I would have been replaced by them....' I really am I terrible friend...

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now