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"George, buddy, I need you to get up. You can collapse somewhere where you aren't going to be run over." Ophelia tried, desperately tugging at George's arm. After a moment of struggled tugging, Jethro gently bumped her out of the way with his hip and hoisted George to his feet by his armpits, wrapping one of his arms around George's waist and holding George's arm around his shoulders. He carried him, group bustling worriedly around them, the rest of the way to the rental office and placed him down in the chair just behind the door.

Nick weaved his way to drop at George's knees, reaching his hand up to tilt George's face to look at him. "Hey... Hey," He said gently, watching as George's glassy eyes focussed on his slowly. "Hey buddy. Breathe for me, can you do that?" He asked softly, taking one of George's hands and placing it over his chest so that George could feel and match his breathing. "There you go." He whispered as George began to calm, breathing shaky but becoming even.

"What happened?" Ophelia asked once George had calmed enough. He unlocked his phone to the tweet and passed it up to her wordlessly. One glance was all it took for her to pass the phone to Jethro and drop to George's side, wrapping an arm around him. Jethro held the phone far enough in front of himself for Clark and Geo to lean in and look. They each took a place around George as well, Jethro passing the phone to Nick. He read the post with a whispered, pitying 'oh George' before he switched off George's phone, making sure to close twitter, and joined the group hug.

"Well.. looks like we're going to Disney World!" George managed to say in a numb, hollow and hoarse voice, giggling a watery giggle. Jethro jostled George's shoulders and Geo and Clark let out quiet cheers in an attempt to make him smile.

"Fuck that cheating skank. We're going to have the time of our lives in Disney World, flirting with Captain America and Prince Charming and Thor and Loki, while he pisses his sheets and cries about it. You don't need a pissbaby like that when you're as cute as you are, George." Ophelia assured, ruffling George's hair. George giggled again as the group voiced their vehement agreement.

"Now, we gotta pick up our rides before the dude behind the counter straight up dips on us. Once we're on the road again, we can slander that bitch." Clark comments, squeezing George almost too tightly before standing again. Jethro stood with him, giving George a crooked half-smile. George nodded with a teary smile as Ophelia and Geo followed after them, Nick coming to sit at his side.

George peeked at him out of the corner of his eye, picking up on his furrowed eyebrows and torn look, lip between his teeth. He felt the shards of his heart pull for his best friend.

Nick had done and sacrificed so much for him over the years. He had been right there beside George's side since day one, relentless in his efforts to give George the world. He deserved his happy ending, even if George didn't get his.

"Hey," George whispered, nudging at Nick's rib cage gently with his elbow, reminiscent of the moment on the plane. Nick looked up at him, confused and concerned. George gave him an encouraging smile. "Go to him." He instructed and Nick's eyes widened.

"What?" He asked, shuffling forward in the chair. George rolled his red rimmed eyes with a fond smile.

"Just because I'm not going to Clay doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to go to Vincent. He's done nothing except ignore you, he can still redeem himself." George explained and Nick looked torn for a moment between staying for his best friend or going after answers. George gave him one last, encouraging smile and nodded. "You deserve to be happy, Nick." He murmured and Nick felt like crying. He nodded.

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