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George was rather dreading his next conversation. Clay had left after a long moments silence in order to give George space to process everything on his own. George was grateful, but he'd spent that time more thinking about what he was going to say to Keres than allowing himself to make peace.

Every time he tried to think of the words, he came up empty. What do you say to the girl that kissed your boyfriend? Nothing came to mind, so George settled on letting her speak instead.

Though, it seemed Keres didn't know what to say either. She had slipped into the room some few minutes after Clay had left and had set herself where Clay once was. Unlike Clay had been, she was curled in on herself entirely, back resting on the arm of the chair and facing George.

The silence was awkward and tense and George hated it. Clay had said that she intended to apologise, so why wasn't she saying anything?


Hey George

Dy? Hey, it's been a while

Yeah, sorry about that

It's fine
Where were you?

Look to your left

??? I don't understand

Look to your left and I'll wave


George did as he was told, turning to the left. He was greeted by the frail and shaking frame of Keres. Her eyes were glassy and her bottom lip was pulled harshly between her teeth. She waved meekly and George felt his heart drop.

"You're..." George began but he couldn't get the words out. Keres nodded.

"I'm Dy." She whispered softly. George wasn't sure how to feel. Happy, because he now knew the name and face of another long term friend of his. Sad or angry, because that long term friend kissed his boyfriend while knowing they were together. Now that the silence was broken, Keres was able to speak.

"I wanted to apologise, if you'd let me. You don't have to forgive me, I just thought you deserved to know why. Deserved to know that it was me. That it was my fault." Keres began gently, almost as though it were a request.

"You have five minutes to explain." George decided hollowly and a sense of relief crashed through her so harshly, George was sure he saw her move with it.

"You already know everything about my ex, how I moved and started going to church." Keres stated and George nodded. That must have been what Clay had been referring to when he had told him that she had been through some hardships. "What I didn't tell you about was the fact that I lost... everyone because of that. Afterwards, it was just me, my dad and my faith."

"There was a boy I met at church, brown hair and the widest grin I've ever seen, who taught me twitter and how to use it. He disappeared one day, moved away or stopped coming to church, and I was alone again. Until I met you. George, you were the first person to not leave. You, my dad and Mrs Bosko were the only friends I had."

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