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The morning was quiet and still when George finally decided to leave his room in search of relief. He was alone in the waking world, bar for the pair stood in the kitchen.

The hushed, idle conversation ceased as George padded through the doorway. He spent a moment on taking in the two figures stood by the stove, one draped over the other and both looking back at him with sad eyes.

"Hi George." Darryl was the first to greet, voice cracking ever so slightly. Had he not spent the last few hours preparing himself for whatever he may face today - he was lucky to have remembered a group had arrived last night and figured the band had accompanied Clay to either support him or apologise as well - George was sure the noise itself would have made him break.

"Hey Darryl." George replied softly despite his exhaustion. Darryl looked as though he was holding back tears and Zak squeezed his arms around Darryl's waist tighter.

"We made pancakes... if you want some." He offered softly and George registered the plates of pancakes that lined the centre of the table. The air around them was awkward and all three knew very well why.

"We?" George asked jokingly. He should be angry, he should ignore them both like they did him.

But he missed his friends, he couldn't stand the way the atmosphere strangled his lungs. Zak and Darryl shared relieved smiles.

"Darryl made pancakes, I made a mess." Zak confirmed with a devilish grin and George smiled in return. Though it didn't move the tiredness in his eyes, it was still better than the almost permanent far away and sad look George had donned before.

"When everyone is awake.. would we be able to talk to you?" Darryl asked nervously, taking the seat opposite George. Zak plopped into the one beside him, looking between him and one stack of pancakes. "We have a lot of explaining and apologising to do."

George nodded softly, beginning to serve himself generously. He'd need all the support he could get in order to deal with the emotional turmoil he'd most certainly go through today. Zak took George serving himself as an open invitation to dig in as well.


I hate gays so much, I honestly do. I woke them up ages ago, came in to see what was taking so long and they had both gotten changed and gone back to sleep.

————————————————retweets      likes    |    |@quackquackIs that @ClarkNotKent and @JeThrowMeAway ???????    |    |@fleepfloopThese bitches gay! Good for them, good for them

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Is that @ClarkNotKent and @JeThrowMeAway ???????
These bitches gay! Good for them, good for them.
You're lucky you don't have to room with them 😔 "ClArK dOeSnT lIkE mE lIkE tHaT" 😔 I love them both but if I have to put up with any more of this, I will cry
F's in the chat for poor Geo, may he find rest
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