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The car ride was surprisingly calm as Geo, Nick and Jethro made their way towards the place Clark had booked for them last minute. With Geo in charge of the radio, they had a backdrop of soft, rather happy music. Despite the silence, it didn't feel awkward or tense in any way. Nick was able to get lost in his thoughts easily.

He was worried, as any sane person would be. Worried about George. Worried about meeting Vincent. Worried about what Vincent would say. Worried about it all.

But he was also angry. Angry at Clay for cheating on and breaking George. Angry at Vincent for ignoring him. Angry at the entire band for ignoring them both. Angry at it all.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Geo asked kindly, having spotted the way Nick's eyes were faraway and clouded and his hands were flexing in and out of white knuckled fists. Nick looked up to where Geo was swivelled in the passenger seat, smiling softly back at him.

"I'm alright. Just thinking." He replied, flattening his hands to smooth the fabric of his jeans - which didn't actually have many folds to be smoothed. He just needed something else to do with his hands.

"You know you can talk to us, right? We may not be as close to you as George is but I promise we're good listeners." Geo assured and Jethro nodded his agreement with a quiet hum. Nick took a soft breath.

"I'm just... nervous I guess. And trying to find a good reason not to punch Clay on site." Jethro let out a rough chuckle at that and Geo made no move to discourage him. They had both seen what he'd done to George.

"You're allowed to be nervous, Nick. I'd be shitting myself in your shoes," Jethro assured, glancing in the rear view mirror to look at Nick. "You just gotta remember you aren't alone in this. We've got your back through whatever happens."

Nick nodded to himself, thankfully, and smiled. No matter what happens, he's not doing this alone. Neither he nor George were doing this alone.

Nick was expecting a shabby room with a lumpy bed at best when he pictured where they would be staying. Maybe they'd have an old, well loved TV if they were lucky. What Nick was not expecting, however, was a luxurious looking villa that probably cost more than his house.

"Oh, so when Clark said 'eat the rich' it was actually an invitation." Nick stated dazedly, staring up at the building, as Jethro made quick work of their luggage. Geo let out a bubbly laugh and Jethro attempted to hide his own behind their bags.

"We've learnt not to ask where he gets the money, the answer always changes." Geo replied with a shrug, skipping his way inside with his backpack. Nick took a moment longer to stare before stumbling his way in as well.

There were three large bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room and a bathroom because of course there were. Of course there were. If this was their last minute booking, Nick didn't want to imagine what their place in Disney World looked like. He was hanging on to the hope that he may be able to go and see it after everything was fixed. Clark really wasn't joking when he said he'd make sure they were taken care of, just in case.

After an easy dinner that Jethro had fixed up for them, Nick decided to turn in for the night. The sooner he fell asleep, the less time he'd have to worry and overthink what may happen tomorrow and each day after. Geo had made plans for them to visit a few of the places the band visited most often, starting with the café and working their way out, tomorrow so he didn't need to worry about that. All he had to think about was what he was going to say when he finally found the band. What he was going to do when he finally found Vincent.

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