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"Smile!" Clay cheered and, before George had the chance to realise what was happening, the flash of his phone camera went off.

"Clay, no!" George reached for Clay's phone but he was quick to avoid him, hand holding the phone just out of reach. He laughed as George reached for it desperately.

"Nope! You took me to Disney World, I'm working through the rest of list." He wheezed, pulling up the photo. It was truly horrific but that only made it a hundred times better.

"What list?" George grumbled, heart thumping at the idea that Clay might remember. He attempted to grab for the phone again, only for Clay to flop back over the bed, effectively dragging George down onto his chest.

"You know the one." Clay replied confidently. He hoped George knew what he was talking about. "You took me to Disney World, now I get to take and post cheesy photos of us everywhere."

George paused his pursuit of the phone, bracing his hands on Clay's chest and pushing himself up enough to look Clay in the eye. "...are you sure?" He murmured softly, atmosphere suddenly sobering.

Clay shifted the hand not holding his phone to cover one of George's. He nodded gently. "If you're comfortable with it then... yeah. Yeah, I'm sure." He decided, tracing up and down each of George's fingers slowly.

"People will... people will figure it out." George protested weakly, searching between Clay's eyes in the dim light. Clay nodded after a moment.

"Hiding only ever hurt us. Only ever pushed us apart. I won't make a big deal of it but... if you're okay with it, I want people to figure it out. I want them to know that I'm yours and only yours." He whispered softly. George had to take a moment to loosen the hold around his lungs.

"We don't have to rush into it, George. They don't have to know until you're ready but... but I want them to know eventually." Clay reassured as George let his eyes slip closed. He breathed for a moment and Clay used it as a chance to simply admire him.

Finally, George opened his eyes and moved slowly, painfully so. He plucked the phone from Clay's fingers, Clay much too dazed to argue, and dropped back down to lay against his side, head pillowed on his arm and leg thrown over one of Clay's.

"At least take better photos." George instructed, deleting the one Clay had taken and handing back his phone. Clay grinned, heart impossibly full, and raised the arm George wasn't on to take another - a better - picture.


Mrs Boss
Hey Kid, just checking in to make sure your Misters haven't killed you and Vincent yet
Kerrie has been keeping me updated and it sounds like it's been going well
I'm assuming you'll want to stay with them until they go so I've taken care of your schedule for the next few days
If you need longer then I'm sure can pull some strings

Clay (lead)
Not dead yet but we had a few close calls
You assumed right, thank you so much.
Are you sure it's okay for us to just,,, disappear to Disney for a week?

Mrs Boss
Look, I don't know what that Damien guy did to you lot but it doesn't take a genius to see you all desperately needed a break, kid
You're no good when you're pulled so tight you may break if I even breathe around you
Don't worry about it, have fun while your joints and bladder will still let you and I'll take care of the rest

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