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Y/N had his eyes set on the ceiling of his and team RWBY dorm as hew as laying on his bed, listening to the music on his music device. He only had one earbud in his ear. He always was placing one earbud in his ears if he was with someone to make sure he was going to this someone calling out to him. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

Aside from the incident where Ozpin informed team RWBY and JNPR about him being from a different world, nothing unusual happened for those past few days. . He was actually suprised how a school dedicated to making teenagers with super powers into hunters could be so normal and boring at times. The best example of it were Professor Port's lessons which were still mostly about him talking about his younger days. Nothing changed with the other teachers as well. Oobleck was still so fast in everything he was doing in his class to the point when Y/N could barely keep up with him. It was actually a miracle that he managed to get some notes done from his class.

The class that was at least a bit more exciting than the usual one was Professor's Goodwitch class. He had a chance to witness how the other students sparred with each other, using their various weapons to fight off their opponents. He didn't had a chance to spar with someone, yet because he didn't have any weapons. He was actually quite relieved about not having to fight, yet, because he knew he'd get his butt kicked with his nonexesting fighting experience.

Despite how boring the classes could get, he actually learned some interesting things about the world he recently found himself in. One of the things that he learned about since his awakening was what dust was. It apparently was a source of energy in Remnant. He learned about it during Professor Peach's classes. She was quite the character to say the least. To expand his knowledge about this matter, he asked Weiss tutor him and his white haired roommate was more than eager to share her large knowledge about this matter with him.

He didn't have to worry about boredom either as Ruby had provided him the access to her video games and comic books. Jaune helped him in this matter as well as he provided him the access to his comic books as well. Y/N was more than grateful about Ruby giving him the access to her video games and he always like to spend his free time by playing them and the matches between either him and Ruby or him and Yang became something very frequent after classes. He was grateful for the access to the comic books as well, even though he was always more of a manga reader than a comic book reader.

He made some good friends during this week. He quickly became friends with his roommates and even started getting along with Weiss. Y/N had no idea what made her change behaviour, but he wasn't complaining about it. She was still acting rather cold a few times, which earned her the nickname "Ice Queen" which she despised, but it was still a massive improvement compared to the first day. He became friends with Jaune and his team as well. He wondered how someone as quiet as Ren could keep up with someone as energetic as Nora. Even though he barely knew them, it was obvious for him that the energetic girl had feelings for her calmer friend. It wasn't his concern, though.

He moved his head back and forth slowly to the sound of the music going through his ears as he proceeded to stare at the ceilling, not even noticing Ruby who was slowly leaning towards his ear with a whistle in her hand. His gaze went over to the left and his eyes snapped open at the view of Ruby readying herself to blow her whistle. He didn't had a chance to react as the dark haired girl blew her whistle, causing Y/N to fall off his bed. He got himself back on his feet to see the leader of team RWBY who stood with her sister.

"What are you doing, Red?" He asked her, using the nickname he had came up for her.

"We're going out." Ruby explained, plain and simple.

"Going out?" Y/N looked at her questioningly. He slammed his hand against his head, attempting to get rid of the sound of ringing from his ears, "Where?"

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