Chapter 05 - All About Carla

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Before Lu and I planned the LA trip for Carla, my original plan was to go home on the 23rd and pull up a surprise birthday party for Carla. But I thought maybe pushing through with LA first so we can work out our relationship before I plan her birthday party. I'd rather take my chances and see if I can win her back first instead of having a 50 percent chance of getting rejected on her birthday. I wanted to make this special for her.

Right now I'm on my way to our friends, I just dropped Carla off to her office so now I have a couple of hours to meet with everyone and plan a surprise party for her. While we were on the plane, Carla thought I was talking to my associate about some cases, but she was also busy with her emails so I had to be careful with my words not to tip her off. Though I let her overhear that I have to do something on the 25th which is her birthday. I knew right there that she felt quite upset because I made it seem like I forgot her special day. But I really didn't forget. In fact I was on the phone with Lu and Guzman. Lu being the queen of organizing parties of course spearheaded the party preparations. I gotta admit, Carla and I owe Lu big time.

A few minutes later, I arrived at Omar and Ander's place. Everyone was there including Lu and Guzman. We had to keep up to our dinner later so we have to get this planning done.

Lu: Okay so, the party is at De La Casa. Omar and Ander you're closing the place the whole day right?

Ander: Yeah. So after closing, we'll just clean up and then we can start the decorations.

Samuel: So let's be clear this is just us right Lu?

Lu: Yes Samu. This is just close friends. Besides i think we'll enjoy it more without a crowd.

Omar: Who's going to go here on the day? So I can give the bouncer a list of names allowed in here.

Lu: You, Ander, Guzman, Samu, Nadia, Malik, Vale, Rebe, Yeray and of course Carla.

Vale: Woah! What about Cayetana?

Lu: What about her?

Vale: Aren't you going to invite her?

Guzman: What do you think Samu?

Samuel: Is she close with Carla?

Ander: Not that I remember. No.

Samuel: Then let's just keep her off the list.

Lu: Okay, that's settled. Samu you're leaving her place before lunch pretending that you have a business meeting and the rest we'll meet here before Samuel so we can start the preparations okay?

Ander: What else do we need?

Lu: Samu, have you decided what to give her?

Samuel: I have the perfect gift in mind but I don't think it's the right time.

I took out the ring I bought three years ago and showed it to them.

Nadia: Yeah It's not yet the right time. You guys just got back together.

Samuel: I don't know what else to give her. I already gave her a watch when I asked her to be my girlfriend again.

Omar: How about just give her flowers? From what I know about Carla, she maybe a marchioness, she still likes simple things.

Samuel: Yeah, I know she appreciates the simplest things more. I guess I'll just give her flowers then.

We didn't notice that it was already 5pm and we had dinner plans by 7. I have to pick Carla up from her office. I dropped by Carla's apartment but I forgot that I haven't asked her the password to her door. I tried her birthday but it didn't open. Wait. It couldn't be. So I typed, 110502. And it opened. I let out a small laugh. Her password is my birthday. It made me feel like after all these years, we really haven't forgotten about each other.

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