2. Shots

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I shut my own door and start stripping off to take a shower. I need to relax my nerves. My fidgeting self......And what's better than a shower. I need to recount my first day. I need to let this whole new situation set into my mind.

The College

The campus.

This new town.

The new friends.



Wait, what? Did I just mention Hardin??

What the fuck is wrong with me....

Why is that boy giving me wierd vibes?

Angry at my subconscious for over thinking again, I just hop in the shower. I let the warm water run through my body and relax me. I really don't want to go to that party, now that I feel so wierd about it. Its just, the first day at college, and I am already overthinking certain situations.

For example, The brit rude guy.

But I know really well that steph won't stop nagging me if I try to ditch, so there is no way I can shell out.

After the shower which god know lasted how long, I dry myself up.

I look through small wardrobe, which my mum has thankfully already arranged.
I have no idea about what to wear. But I know I am definitely not dressing up like Steph asked me to...

I don't need unnecessary attention.

I decide on wearing my fresh pair of plain blue jeans, a white top and a Cardigan because it is quite windy outside...
I pinch my cheeks for a bit of color. I look pale. I need food.

I check myself once more in the mirror before leaving my room.

Yeah, I look fine..

I check my phone for any text messages from my parents.

Mum- We just got home Tessa. Miss you already.

I type back a quick reply.

Me- Miss you too mum. See you soon...

I shove my phone and my card in pocket and leave the room.

I come out of my room and plop down on the couch in the living area after grabbing a sandwich from the counter.
I mentally thank mom for leaving it there before leaving.

It 6:30 pm. Steph mentioned 8pm. I am sure she is going to dress up as she mentioned. So I am left with nothing more than to just kill time until she is ready. So reproduce my phone and start watching random funny stuff.

After playing dressup-barbie for around more than one hour Steph finally comes out.
I gasp when my eyes falls on her appearance...

She is wearing a denim short skirt...
And when I say short, I mean really short.. The neck line of her red top is dangerously low.. Her hair is a messed up brown curl. But its actually gorgeous...

I wouldn't say she looks bad..Cause she really does look good. But I feel that she is just showing too much of her skin for a normal freshers. ...I would never wear such short shorts in a fresher party. It's just not me.

" Tessa you absolutely can't wear that!!!!! "
She exclaims in horror and I jump. I might have been too engrossed in judging her outfit that I didn't notice her absolute distaste in my clothing.

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