9. Behind Those Eyes.

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I know very well that this monday at the campus is going to be a pain.

The first class of the day is with Hardin in it. And I cannot miss or skip the class because of a small test we are supposed to take.

He didn't come back after that day, he left. Well may be that is how he is. I can't complain though. That is what I wanted. To be left alone so that I can get a grip on my feeling.

But the supposed grip is no where to be found. Even though I don't want to admit but I miss him. This authoritative tone, this warm eyes, his deamenor. Everything.

" Tessaaa!!" I am pulled out of my thoughts when steph calls. She and Nate has once again insisted that they drive me to campus...

Its good though. I am still not a fan of driving.

Reaching the campus,we split as usual. According to the plan we are meeting at the same point by the end of the day.

Just as I am about to enter the class I see Molly sprinting towards me. Hardin is following behind. But walking slow with his face shoves in the iPad.

" Tessa, oh my goddd. Are youuu okkk????" she hugs me tight, almost knocking all the air out of lungs.

" Molly, easy.." Hardin says in a thick voice but doesn't look at me.

" Yes um fine molly. Thank you." I chirp in....

" You should really eat tessa..." and bla bla bla. Molly keeps lecturing me until the professor enters.

By the end of the class Hardin has not bothered to even look at me. Which is terrible. I was so comfortable with him talking and being sweet.

I no longer want to not see him. I don't want grip. Now it's like a growing hollow.. Which may atleast stop growing if I talk to him. Or if he talks to me.

Just as I am about to get up.. I feel a push on my left shoulder. I stumble forward and fall on my knees and my bag drops spilling all the books and notes ..

Damn it

"Oh shit... girl...!!! So-" a boy exclaimss, for the collision....
But before I even have time to deal about it myself, I see a pair white arms grab his collar...

" Watch where you going lazy ass!!"... Hardin. Almost growls. He didn't even let the boy finish.

Molly helps me up.

I immidiately turn back put my hands on his tshirt.

" Hardin leave him. It was an accident"
I try to pull him back... And at this times I wish I was stronger, atleast a little more. But Hardin doesn't budge.

Ugh. This man is obviously over reacting....

" Look... I am Really sorry." the boy stutters.

" Its ok... Really... ", I speak up.
" Hardin please let him go" my voice his starting to break. I am too embarrassed about the scene created. Almost everyone of this class is enjoying the Hardin-Scott-scaring-little-boy show....

Hardin may be finally noticing the discomfort in my voice. He lets him go.

" Get lost. Watch it next time" he seethes. And the boy scurries off out of the class.

Turning to me Hardin says, " You ok? Got hurt??"

" No . I'm fine" I say but I don't look at him. And turn to pick up my stuff. Molly helps in.....

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