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"Looking in your eyes makes me wonder how

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"Looking in your eyes makes me wonder how. I got so much time with you and there's more around. I know all the competition that's after you. So I get to thinking, is this too good to be true?"

                                                       ◄ ◄ ⏸️ ►►




I sat there and listened to David about his progress since he joined the group and how he's so much happier. I was really bored. In all respect I don't understand how he can just feel better all of a sudden. Lucy started talking and I completely zoned out. What am I gonna have for dinner tonight? Am I gonna have a shower again today? Am I going to go out? Am I... And then I heard Lucy say something that really surprised me.

"Due to David being a lot better and thinking he no longer needs to be here today is his last day with us and tomorrow we will have a new person join us" Lucy said smiling at all of us. What? That was quick to replace him, I have David on Instagram if I ever need to talk to him but I don't think I will ever need to. David's a nice guy and I guess I'll miss him a bit. Everybody got up and gave David a hug (no corona in this story) and said they're goodbyes. David joined a week before I did so when we first joined we would dm each other how annoying it was when you had to explain your whole situation in detail. I don't think it was the greatest idea to give us a five minute warning because if i'd have known I would've given him a card or something. Once everyone had left it was only me and Lucy left in the room and I couldn't help but wonder about this new person. How could Lucy find someone so quick? Was it a girl or a boy? Did their parents or a parent die? I grabbed a chair and dragged it next Lucy as I sat down.

"So how did you manage to replace David so fast?" I asked before joining my hands together and placing them over my knee as I had my legs crossed. Lucy chuckled before turning to me.

"I could never replace anyone in here, every kid in here has a special place in my heart. I remember everyone who has joined since the very begin and I love them all very much. It's hard to part with them but eventually they don't need my help anymore. The new person who is joining tomorrow was supposed to be here today but about 20 minutes before our session started I got a call from The persons dad saying they didn't want to be here today but they'll be here tomorrow" Lucy said smiling at me. Person? They? They'll? Why couldn't she just say he or she? Or why couldn't she just say they're name?

"Is this person a boy or a girl?" Lucy chuckled as she stood up and stacked her chair in a pile with the rest in the corner.

"You'll find out tomorrow Y/n" Lucy said as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. Before I could say anything else she was out the door and in her car. I grabbed my stuff and unlocked my car, I sat in my car and turned the engine on and thought for a second. Should I be worrying about this person? I drove home and went straight to my bedroom, of course I didn't see my father. I put my bag down and plopped onto my bed, I stared at the ceiling and thought. Who could this person be? Why did he or she not want to come today? Lucy said that they're dad phoned so maybe they're mother passed? For the first time in years I sat in my bed and thought about something other than my mother and I didn't cry. Maybe this is what Lucy was trying to do, to get my mind of my mother? I rolled over and looked at my wall before slowly closing my eyes when I got a text. I groaned as I rolled over to grab my phone and open the message I had received from my best, well really my only friend Kayla.

Kay <3

| Heyyy how was the group today?


| Good, David left today and there's a new person coming tomorrow. But my minds been on this new person so I haven't cried yet.

Kay <3

| That's good news anyway I'm tired but I'll text you tomorrow 


| Night :)

Kay <3

| Night ♡

And with that I turned my phone off and fell asleep.

"That we're living in a fairy tale, no malice, and no lies. Baby, ooh, it's hard to believe. That the love you have inside is only mine"

{Word count : 823}

A/n : The song I used is Only 1 by Ariana Grande. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

The one with the blonde streak // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now