The True Surprises Come When You Least Expect It To

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This chapter wasn't even planned... I just decided to write this because it was a spurt of the moment. THERE'S NO JOKING AROUND IN THIS CHAPTER. JUST A LESSON I LEARNED, BUT I DON'T RECOMMEND SKIPPING THIS CHAPTER. I'll let the story explain itself.

At Christmas, I usually get really crappy presents from everyone, and I don't even get many. I'm almost always disappointed, but this all changed this year, or should I say last year. My uncle got me a telescope and microscope combo kit, and I've told my dad that I've wanted a telescope, but he said it was too expensive. Imagine my surprise when, my uncle, who dislikes me, gets me one of the things I want most. My uncle doesn't even know me that well and he got me what I wanted, but I think it was because of my cousin, who was there when I told my dad. So, there I am, complaining about my parents not getting me anything for Christmas (my present for Christmas and my birthday is an iPhone 6), but of course, Life laughs at me, and plans something, instead. As the new year begins, my mom drags me to go shopping at Marshalls. As she's looking for whatever, I've headed to the book section, and the first thing that catches my eye is a book that is about funny incorrect test answers. I read it, and it makes me laugh so hard, I can't breathe. Naturally, I want to buy it. My mom doesn't agree at first, but she gives in easily. Present number one which I didn't expect.

During the weekend, BOTH my parents drag me out to go shopping, and this time we're gone for five hours. I was SUPER FREAKING CRANKY and wanting to leave. But, of course my mom takes me to more and more even though she called every one of them the last one. We stop at a shop called ABC store, where there's macadamia nuts for sale. Suddenly, a little boy about  seven years old holding a kendama catches my eye. Not a minute after that, my mom askes me if I wanted to get anything. "Hmm..." I think and I start looking for them. They say that they'll help me look for what I'm look for and I describe it to them. My dad's face lights up in recognition and he says that he's seen them. Since he's got perfect vision, he finds them easily, and we walk over to the aisle. We see that the price got cut in half, from twenty bucks to ten, and as we finish choosing one, my dad grabs it and heads to the register. Present number two which I didn't expect.

Lastly, today as I get home from school, my dad tells me mom's gone shopping again. Normally, I would be pissed off because she likes shopping a lot and likes dragging me there even more, but this time I expected it since her and my aunt both had the same days off. I start updating Wattpad, and she arrives home. To my surprise, she didn't go with my aunt, and instead told me that she had a present for me. I tell her to wait, since I was finishing the previous chapter, and after five minutes she asked if I was gonna go down and see it. I had just finished typing it, so I go down and look through her bags. She said that those were just clothes for me and that it was on the shelf thingie. I walk over there and grab the box. My face lights up as I see what it is: a 3D maze globe. I had seen one in our patio at school (it's a privelege for if you have good grades and there's like board games and four-square balls and other cool stuff) and thought it was really cool. I asked her once for one, and she said we would get one when we saw it. It then hit me that even though I complained excessively about not getting good Christmas presents from my parents, I didn't realize that I get good presents when it's not holiday time and only when it was a surprise. I'm such an idiot sometimes, but now I know. Well, lesson learned. The end.

I hope you guys don't act like me and only learn after a REALLY long time. Appreciate what you have now or you'll regret it later. Luckily, in my case it wasn't too late. Thanks for listening. 

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