Since the trend or fad or whatever about 21 started, I've been seeing it everywhere! 21 emails to read, 21 health left on a video game, being and having to stop on page 21 in a book... it's driving me nuts, I mean, it's just some stupid thing someone started, so I don't get why everyone's making a big deal out of it. If I started a trend/fad/whatever about a number, I honestly doubt anyone would spread it or whatever x. x And the example about 21 just shows how easily influenced people can be, like spreading a f***ing number around just because your friends are doing it, and yelling it out in class only 'cause you're able to. People are just doing that kind of crap just because they want to fit in, making it shallow and total bull. Fitting in isn't really that great, people. It just means that no one pays attention to you and you're nothing to most people. If you just be yourselves everyone will notice everything you do! UGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!
(Sorry, I'm just feeling like I need to rant today XD.