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FALLON HART CONTINUED TO flip through the air, the smile never leaving her face as she did the one thing that she loved the most. She was in her gymnastics class, practicing until she became dizzy from doing so many flips at once. Her mother smiled proudly at her fourteen year old daughter, watching as she let out a loud cheer from her accomplishments only for her peers to join along and congratulate her.

Fallon Hart was the best in their class. She could do anything you asked of her. She was fearless when it came to forcing her feet from the ground for a few seconds. She enjoyed trying new tricks, she enjoyed testing her limits. And sometimes she wondered if she had never set her mind on such a passion, that maybe her family would still be alive. Maybe she would still be with them, laughing with her little brother at something Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory had said.

Fallon missed those moments. Or, she would've missed those moments had she remembered they existed. She had been sleeping peacefully when the cries of her mother could be heard, startling the redhead awake and forcing her to leave her room in order to find her brother to make sure he was alright.

He wasn't. His mattress was coated in a red sticky blood that made all the color drain from Fallon's face. Fear crept into her eyes and her body as the silence took the place of her mother's screams. She heard footsteps coming closer and closer, making her run to her brothers window. Just when she was going to jump out of it, hands pulled her back inside and before she could scream, a metal object had been slammed against her head, knocking her out.

When Fallon woke up again, she was placed inside of a dull, grey cell that had mold forming at the corners. She didn't know where she was. It was cold and she was hungry and her clothes had tears in them. She wanted to go home. She let out screams, wanting to know where the hell she was and what the hell they did to her family.

Her cell door was thrown open to reveal a man that was wearing a professional black suit. Fallon backed away from the man, her back slamming against the hard, cold wall. Tears fell down her face as her body shook in fear.

"Who are you?" She stuttered out. "What did you do to my family?!"

"There's no need to worry, my child. The pain of your family will be gone before you know it." The man turned his head towards the two men that were waiting patiently behind him. He nodded his head towards the redhead. "Wipe her. Then train her. She's going to be our best Soldier since the Winter Soldier."

The man walked away as the other two came towards Fallon. Fallon violently shook her head as she tried to move away from them.

"No! Stay away from me!" She cried. The men grabbed onto her, their hold on her being painfully tight. Fallon thrashed against them as violent screams fell from her lips. "NO! LET ME GO! GET OFF OF ME!"

Soon, her screams stopped and the girl once known as Fallon Hart was no more. In her place was the Red Warrior, someone that was deadlier than the Winter Soldier and Black Widow combined.

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