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Chapter Four:The Winter Soldier

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Chapter Four:
The Winter Soldier

FALLON DROVE THROUGH THE town that the Winter Soldier was supposedly supposed to be staying at. Bucharest was a large city, but somehow Fallon knew it like the back of her hand. Maybe that's why she knew the Winter Soldier would be there. Fallon found an apartment complex before deciding she would reside there for the next few days she was there in Russia.

She sat in the boring hotel room and laid down on the bed, rubbing her temples as she felt a headache start to hit her at full force. Tomorrow, that's when she would start the next part of her mission. She would start it later that night, but she didn't want her headache to grow, forcing her to do her mission in pain when really she wanted to do it in pleasure. She hated the Winter Soldier with her entire being and she would be damned if he lived another week on this earth. She didn't really want him to live another day, but that was something she couldn't really control at the moment.

She sat in the hotel room and eventually fell asleep from boredom. Once she woke up, it was the next day, lunch time to be precise. She needed to get something to eat if she wanted to fulfill her mission successfully. Fallon took a shower, smiling as the warm water made her shoulders relax slightly from their usual tense posture. She changed into a normal set of clothes which consisted of a light blue t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket. She applied a light coat of make-up which only consisted of mascara and a pink glossy lip. Fallon didn't really mind wearing the beauty products, but she preferred not to mainly because her face felt like it had an extra ten pounds whenever she would apply it.

She placed her dark sunglasses over her eyes before placing her hair on both shoulders and walking out of her hotel room with her usual confidence. Fallon knew that she was attractive, and she wasn't at all surprised when the men―︎hell, even some women―︎watched her as she walked by with admiration and lust. It made a cocky smirk form on her features. She entered a restaurant and ordered herself some food that she had never tried before. To say she almost choked on her drink when she saw the Winter Soldier himself entered the restaurant was a complete understatement.

She made a loud coughing noise and had to quickly duck her head when he looked her way. She silently cursed herself when she could hear footsteps coming closer to her. She was trying so hard to contain her coughs, but apparently the gods above liked watching her misery and decided to make them as loud as possible.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

This time, Fallon choked on her breath and silently scolded herself. Why was she all of sudden acting like this? Did she forget that she was a deadly assassin? Because that's what it seemed like when she looked up, meeting the eyes of her old trainer. He didn't seem to recognize her as she put on a flirtatious smile.

"I'm perfectly fine, now that you're here." She answered. She nodded her head to the seat across from her. "Join me? Unless you have something better to do?"

Bucky hesitated as he looked at the fiery redhead, curious as to why she seemed so familiar to him. It was like the memory of this girl was at the tip of his fingertips, but an inch too far from his reach. So, instead, he decided to find out. He simply nodded his head before sliding into the booth across from her. The man couldn't deny that the woman across from him was stunning. There was an edge to her that somehow drew him in. And he didn't like it. Not one bit. Of course, he was completely oblivious to the fact that the woman felt the same thing, trying her best to keep a scowl forming on her face from the unholy thoughts.

"I'm sorry to ask," He started, "but do I know you?"

Fallon cocked her head to the side, feigning hurt. She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed, though it seemed to be a sarcastic frown. "You don't remember me? James, I must say that I am hurt." She watched with amusement as he tensed. He went to move, but the sound of her gun clicking grabbed his attention, forcing him to stay in his position.

"The Red Warrior." He muttered through clenched teeth.

Fallon smiled widely at him. "You do remember me! Thank the gods above. It would've taken up so much time if we had to re-introduce ourselves. And just, ugh, awkward."

"If you're going to kill me, then do it already." He snarled. To say Fallon was surprised at his words was an understatement. She expected him to put up a good fight, and now that he hadn't, her mood to kill him had been ruined. She sighed as she uncocked the gun and put it back in the back of her pants.

"Why did you have to ruin my mood like that?" Fallon huffed. "I was all ready to blow your head clean off and then you had to go and say shit like that."

"I'm already trying to hide from the world as it is. If I have to hide from an assassin that doesn't know how to show an ounce of emotion, then I might as well let you kill me already. It's bound to happen anyways." Bucky snapped at her, keeping his voice down.

Fallon actually frowned at this, not sure why him calling her an emotionless assassin suddenly hurt her. She knew she was blank of emotion, and lacked her humanity. But why was it that when he pointed it out, that it suddenly made her self conscious. Maybe she was going mental. Fallon quickly shrugged her shoulders, putting a stoic expression on her face. "I wasn't always an emotionless bitch."

"And I wasn't always the Winter Soldier." He shot back.

A snarl fell on Fallon's lips as she leaned forward. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she clenched her jaw, growling her next words. "You're the reason I'm like this. And I'm going to make damn sure you pay for what you did to me." Fallon placed money on the table before she stood up, her hard gaze never leaving him. "Watch your back Barnes, because I'll make sure to come for you when you least expect it." With that, Fallon was quick to walk out of the restaurant, clenching her jaw so as her anger wouldn't get the best of her.

1,122 wordsAnd we have now introduced Mr James Buchanan Barnes, aka the finest man there is in the MCU besides Mr Steven Rogers that is

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1,122 words
And we have now introduced Mr James Buchanan Barnes, aka the finest man there is in the MCU besides Mr Steven Rogers that is.

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye loves!♥️


𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄━︎━︎ B. Barnes ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now