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Chapter One:The Fall Of S

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Chapter One:
The Fall Of S.H.I.E.L.D

FALLON WATCHED THE TV with her head cocked to the side. She sat in a rundown apartment of a previous HYDRA agent that she had just killed, watching the news of S.H.I.E.L.D. falling apart. The helicarriers crashed into the Potomac with a great satisfying splash that made a wide and mischievous smile form onto the redhead's lips. This was her chance, she could finally complete her last mission.

Fallon stepped over the dead body of the HYDRA agent, making sure not to get any trace of blood on her shoes. She opened the man's laptop, entering the password she knew it would be, and scanned over the screen as another satisfied smile fell on her face. Data of both HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. had been poured out onto the internet, allowing Fallon easy access to all of the information she would need to kill every last HYDRA soldier out there.

That was the first part of her mission. The second part was to kill her trainer, the one that ruined her life; the Winter Soldier. Fallon's eyes scanned over the information she would need, making sure to memorize it by heart before she finally shut the laptop and made her way out of the apartment, making sure to erase any indication that she was ever there.

Fallon entered the black mustang, placing her sunglasses over her face as she quickly revved the engine then sped off. Her fake ID's were placed in the glove compartment so that she could easily get to them if need be. She knew where her next destination was, the place where one of the most ruthless HYDRA agents were situated. It was a small town in West Virginia. One that was completely silent minus the ghosts that decided to roam around the streets at the later hours of the night.

It was only a seven hour drive from New York, and because Fallon broke all of the rules, it only took her five. There was only one hotel located in the town, but Fallon was sure that she wouldn't be there long enough to need somewhere to sleep―︎which, even if she did have a room, she probably wouldn't do that anyway. Not with that bastard being so close she could almost touch him.

She pulled up to a beautiful blue and purple victorian styled home. Fallon looked at it with a sigh before mumbling to herself, "Such a shame someone so ugly could live in a place so beautiful."

Fallon made sure to wait in her car, watching the house like a hawk until she watched the last light in the house turn off and the porch light turn on. The only problem with a small and quiet town was the fact that she couldn't use her gun due to the fact that the sound of the bullet flying would echo all through out the town, noting the police that a murder had just been comitted. Fallon removed the sunglasses from her face before grabbing a black ponytail holder and pulling her hair back into a high ponytail allowing a few strands of hair to frame her face.

Stefan Popescu was the HYDRA agent that was fearless when it came to Fallon. He beat her, taunted her, he was the one that would drag her out of her cell to either be brainwashed, or injected with experimental liquids. He had a wife and two children, something that managed to bring a sense of nostalgia to Fallon for a reason unknown to her.

Fallon pulled out her knife, examining it and poking the end of her finger to make sure it was sharp enough. It was. Fallon tightened her ponytail one last time before silently and gracefully removing herself from the car and stepping up the three steps that would lead her to the front door. She wasn't going to take the front door of course, she wasn't that stupid. Instead, she grabbed onto the white column that would allow her to climb up it and onto the second floor.

Fallon searched the windows until she found one that led to a hallway. She slid her pocket knife underneath the window, unlocking the lock that was placed on it and then sliding it up, allowing her safe passage into the home. Fallon closed the window before making her way through the home. She listened intently, the sound of dishes rustling being heard from down the steps. Fallon carefully made her way to the first floor and a evil smirk fell onto her features.

There stood Stefan with his hands soaked in soap and water from where he had been cleaning the dishes. The rest of his family was asleep, which would make this ten times easier for Fallon. Fallon pulled out her gun for taunting purposes and pressed it gently to the back of his head. Stefan froze in his spot.

"Красный Воин. Я ждал, чтобы увидеть, когда вам, наконец, удастся проскользнуть сквозь щели." (The Red Warrior. I was waiting to see when you'd finally manage to slip through the cracks.) Stefan said in Russian. Fallon cocked her head to the side.

"Если ты ожидал меня, почему ты не убежал?" (If you were expecting me, why didn't you run?)

"Только дурак попытается опередить тебя." (Only a fool would try to outrun you.) The man seethed, though their was a hint of amusement in his voice that made Fallon bubble with rage. Her jaw clenched and she took her other hand that wasn't holding the gun to grab her knife.

"Только дурак предпочел бы дождаться их смерти." Fallon snarled. "Я собирался отпустить тебя, спасти твою семью от травмы твоего мертвого тела. Но я не думаю, что я буду. Я думаю, они должны знать, какой ты ужасный человек." Fallon paused as she looked at him, her evil smirk returning. "Или, может быть, я просто убью их." (Only a fool would choose to wait for their demise. I was going to let you off easy, save your family from seeing the trauma of your dead body. But I don't think I will. I think they should know what an awful man you were. Or maybe I'll just kill them as well.)

Fallon took the knife and quickly sliced open Stefan's throat. He let out choked noises as blood spilled from both his mouth and his neck. Fallon stepped back as she watched the man bleed out, making sure to stay clear of any and all blood. Once she was sure he was dead, she made her way back up the steps and entered the bedroom where his wife was soundlessly sleeping.

"Я прошу прощения за действия ваших мужей." (I apologize for your husband's actions.) Fallon whispered, before she did the same thing to the woman that she had done to Stefan. She went to the children's room. One girl and one boy. The girl looked to be in her early teens, the boy only looked to be like he was the mere age of eight. Fallon apologized once more for their father's actions before murdering the two kids and slipping out the front door. She got a thing of gasoline out of the back of the car before sprinkling it all over the house until the can was empty. Fallon pulled a pack of matches from her pocket.

"But I'm not apologizing for my own." Fallon muttered before lighting the match and throwing it on the gasoline. She got in her car and drove away like nothing had ever happened.

 She got in her car and drove away like nothing had ever happened

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1,251 words

Here's the first chapter of Every Last One! The  lovely banners were made by the amazing xxBabyxxGirlxx !

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye lovelies!♥️

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