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Chapter Three:A Real Suicide

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Chapter Three:
A Real Suicide


THIS WENT ON FOR months. Fallon tried to keep her kills spaced out, not wanting agents to notice how slowly but surely she was killing them off one by one. Not long ago, news of the Avengers destroying a HYDRA base in Sokovia was brought to Fallon's attention, and she couldn't help but be thankful for the heroes for once in her life. The first part of her mission was starting to come to close and the second part was growing closer and closer.

Fallon already had the Winter Soldier's whereabouts, and she made sure to keep an eye on him to make sure he hadn't moved anywhere. Fallon only had one more HYDRA agent's address left, but from where she had just killed one in South Carolina, she decided to wait a week. The one she was going after next lived in Switzerland which meant she would have to take another flight back over to Europe―︎which she really didn't want to do.

Nothing really scared Fallon Hart, but being on a plane made her feel uneasy. For one, there were so many people that could possibly recognize her and she'd rather not be found. Especially if there was no where to escape―︎ well, she could jump out of the plane, but she'd prefer to not do that. Secondly, there was no escape except to dive out of the said plane which most likely would result in her death. Now, don't get her wrong. Fallon was not afraid of death, matter of fact, she challenged death all the time just for the fun of it. But, that didn't mean that she didn't prefer to be alive.

Fallon flashed the security her dazzling smile as he checked her bag as well as her passport. Only clothes were placed in the bag and of course a few weapons here and there, but Fallon didn't have to worry about that. She sent the security guard a wink before taking her passport and her bag and making her way to the plane.

Fallon had people everywhere. Those that agreed with what she was doing and wanted to help in some way and others that didn't like her all that much but hated HYDRA as well as owed Fallon a favor. The security guard was in the second category. As soon as she stepped outside, her sunglasses were placed over her eyes to hopefully hide her face from both people and the sun that was incredibly hot on that particular Wednesday morning.

She sat in her first class seat away from everyone with an impatient scowl on her face. Her sunglasses stayed on her face and her red hair fell over her shoulder, hiding the right side of her face. She closed her eyes as they took off, a wink of sleep wouldn't hurt her. She hadn't slept in a few days, and it was a ten hour flight. Luckily, Fallon only needed three hours of sleep to survive. So hopefully triple that would help her out immensely.

And boy, it did. When Fallon woke up, they were landing back on the ground. I must've really been tired, she thought to herself. She fixed her hair, combing her hands through the knots that now resided in her hair. She was quick to rub the sleep from her eyes and grab her bag before removing herself from the plane. Fallon entered the taxi that was waiting for her and she took her sunglasses off, smiling at the man.

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