Im not a child

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I'm home I yelled to let them know

We need to talk

Talk about what

What me and mom found in your room

You went into my personal shit

We had too to find what you were hiding

What did you find

A bottle of alcohol and razor

Oh come one I was doing YouTube video video

Which is

Cutting things in half

You are lying

I'm not I swear to the fucking hell Im not

Get out of my house now

No I didn't do anything

You didn't do anything you are drinking underage

Whatever it numbs the pain and the cutting also release my pain

Get a bag and leave you ten minutes

Mom you not going to let this happen to me

I'm sorry it what your father wants I don't have say

You know what dad how dare you do this to your only daughter who will die in the street

Then why were you engaging in dangerous self harm to your body which would kill you

I wanted to die okay is that what you wanted to know I'm unhappy I want the pain to end

Dad I'm not a child anymore I'm an adult

You don't act like one

I hate you

You hate me I'm made you can't hate me

Oh dad what the hell is wrong with you

Why the hell you drinking alcohol and begin rude to me and mother where have had it I'm sorry I'm kicking you out

My dad left and yelled back to me if you are here when I come back I'll threw everything away that you own

I grabbed a duffel bag and put cloth in it

Mom I don't know where to go

Go to grandma and grandpa house

Isn't dad going their

That's the idea

My mom kissed me on the cheek

I walked in the rain with tears streaming down my face

I arrived at the apartment

I hit the elevator and knocked on the door

Hello Stormy

Hi grandma

Why you here

My dad throw me out of house

Yes sweetie come on in

I saw all my aunts and uncles sitting in the living room

I went into the bathroom and I sat on the floor and I cried and cut myself because I was so depressed and exhausted from arguing. I screamed at the top of my lungs I could fell my life flashed before my eyes I look myself in the eyes as tears fall harder I say to myself Am I worth living anymore. I open the door my family standing there wondering what the heck is going on. I went to the balcony I step on to it and no one says a word to me. I step off and my godfather finally stops me. I tried running but my feet didn't move he lowered me to the seat as tear are falling harder.

They spoke to me

Why is everyone here

Stormy we have to make a decision is to keep grandpa alive or perform assisted suicide

No you not killing him I'm going to let your kill my grandfather

He not doing good on of the aunts said

No were catholic why you even about doing this

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