Im sorry

5 0 0

My girlfriend plugged my phone into the aux cord in and we started dancing I climb and table and danced we kissed

What the fucking hell was that

I don't maybe you should get on my level I feel good to have my girlfriend

You gay

Yes I am I'm proud to wear pride

I see my boyfriend leave


No don't talk me can we please talk

I'm sorry

You  go behind my fucking back and hook up with my sister you think that's fair Stormy really think that

It your sister

Yes why isn't that surprised

Why the fucking wouldn't you tell me

It was test

Wow so the disabled kid get hurt

Yes I don't fucking care about you

I just did a song about sex not even Jesse got that

Did you actually get shot

No it was fake

Just leave I hurt right now

My heart is shattered in a million pieces

I sat on the sidewalk and just thought what my life anymore

My dad sat next to me and moved my body in his arms as tears starts flowing he carried me inside and he let me sit on his lap and just cry into his chest

I heard voices and screaming to the point I scream

Well everyone shut up please

Oh did we interrupt the baby sleeping

Just let her be alone she really emotional right now I think we might leave to be honest

My father carried me to the car because I was so depressed I didn't want to move I wanted cocoon to call my own aka the warmth of my father chest

He laid me on my bed and the cold sheet I gulf my body I feel asleep but of course I had dreams about fighting and family

Early the next morning I was woken by my godfather

What do you want

I know you depressed let get up move

No my feet in hurting and I'm depressed to move anyways I want to stay in bed hopefully die eventually

Nope get out of bed start your day off

Get out of my room before I get pissed off

You have bad attitude towards life

I finally went back to sleep and woke at like four in the afternoon

You finally up how you feeling

Depressed and overall shitty and cramps because I started my period fun

You our having music therapy aka going to a family and singing

I don't want to see human at all today but if there water I might take up that offer

We can make that happen

How are we going to make this happen

I don't know Mr mcgraver make happen you got this

We need to make this girl happen

Why a rain machine

To simulate crying I have learned crying while dancing while heal heart faster than just talking grief hit harder on teen than adults

Brother is that right

Yes she is

Thank you I'm studying to become a psychologist

They took me to this place

You can scream cry and punched this is your place to be you help heal

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