One step backward

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I blindly open my eyes as I peel my eyes open I can feel the caked on salt from crying so hard yes I got up to use the bathroom and I could feel the urine hit my leg as the warm liquid expelled from my body I was also bleeding heavy on this particular

I went outside

My mom was talking to our neighbors

There the lady of the hour

Hi mom

I'm sorry for your loss sweetie my neighbor said as the feeling were starting to hit me again like bricks falling on top of me

She was shattered to the core to the point my husband let her scream for ten minutes straight in microphone

What the name

Jason Joseph

That's a cute name

I'm gonna get tattooed on my forearm

That's sweet

My mom turned her head me and was like are insane

What are you doing to celebrate the life gown too soon

Concert mostly away to raise money for women who affected by miscarriage

That's clever idea I have to take to the coordinate of the block party


I walked across the street


Hi Stormy

I want to ask you something


This weekend I don't if you have heard I sadly lost my baby

I'm sorry

I understand that this may be no

Is there a way that we do a fundraiser during the block party for the women who affected by miscarriage

If course

How would we do it

We would do collection during the part and the we would do a concert I would sing all the song that help me


When I get the invitation done I'll send you a copy

Okay thank you

I put my headphones and I put Disney on I started dancing in the middle of street and then I laid in the middle of the street bad car was coming

My mom was screaming

Hit me please to get me out of this hell of life


Hit me please

My mom dragged me out of the street

Go to the house

No I want to fucking die

Got it the house

No I'm hurting I can't live anymore

Go to the house

I walked to my house and sat on the porch

Was the suicide attempt

Yes mother I want to end my suffering

Wow chill

My mom pushed me inside the house

Tell your father what you just did

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