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I finally got the rest I needed and snuggle with my other deceased grandpa shirt to keep me comfortable will I sleep

The next morning we headed to the church for the practice of memorial mass for my grandpa

Okay Stormy are you singing Ocean



We went through the practice and we had breakfast I sat on the bleachers with my head in my hand and cried

What wrong my mom sat next me

I don't think I care do this

You can do anything I promise you

Stormy you have announcement


I'm trans I'm transitioning from male to female

I swear on my grandpa grave my cousin Micheal should up starting bitching

You don't care that god gave you body

Shut the hell up because I love my body and I'm happy don't ruined it

I'm not ruining it sweetheart I just don't be alarm that I have sex offered around my family

Fucking bullshit you are afraid of me who is happy finally in her life because trust me I been through hell

Like what you dead

Depression suicidal and my top surgery

Putting cloth on

No I got boobs put in

Hold this

I took my shirt bra off

I was once male I had to go do physically do you know Micheal I almost committed suicide because I felt so terrible about my decision

Why didn't your mom get abortion

Where ever isn't better then here honey so don't be ridiculous because isn't right that Abortion is a women choice

Hey the doctor did offer me but I drowned them out don't you dare hurt my baby I love her

She a faggot

What did you call me tell me it louder remember I have hard hearing did you forget that bitch

You don't deserve to live anymore you disgrace to this family you should end your life

Micheal I thought you were different I would that wrong what does your wife think

I think you are beautiful just the way you are

Team assembly

What the hell is this army force

Hit it

Play the song

Boo you suck go die already

Hey get the fuck out


Hey stop hurting my family

Do you still love her

Absolutely I love her

I lifted my hand and my dad tackled that sum bag to the ground

You really want to attack my family again

Hey Micheal you were my favorite and my friend were no longer on speaking term thanks for nothing

I walked off the stage I immediately went to the bathroom and broke down crying in the stall

Hey babe

Just go away can I not get break from someone hating me

I know I love you

I just lost someone who cares for me who called me when I had a mental breakdown and he does this shit to me it hurts

I know I'm here for you

How do I heal from this

You can't you need to take care of yourself before moving on

Let's go home and have sex

I don't want to do anything but die

Hey don't say that I love you

I want to breakout of this life

Mama bear POV

Hey Micheal

Yes bitch

Hey don't call my wife a bitch

My daughter is sobbing and on the ground wishing death upon herself

Good she should die

Don't you dare wish death upon my daughter

Why you let her change

Because it made her happy



Your daughter has taken off

I ran for the hills to the nearest bridge to die

I leaned against the railing to die

Hey get off

My life not with Living anymore

Yes it is we love you

My godfather took my hand

Come down please you are needed on earth your smile and goodness please

I looked down at the water and flung myself over and hit the water like concrete my dad jumped and held me up as he paddle is back to shore and they took me to the hospital to be evaluated and I cried a lot

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