Is it my fault

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I sat in the waiting room with my head in my hand and sobbed sobbing pulling my hair out so made at myself

I felt warm hand on my back

I got as fast as I could I looked up and it was my godfather I leaned my head on his shoulder and cried

It okay

It not it my fault grandpa is here

No it wasn't I promise

I started getting angry and upset I stood up and chucked a chair across the room at a bystander

My godfather took me out of the hospital and he held me in his arms as I cried into his chest

It okay sweetie I'm here for you


I pop my head up


You grandfather is on ventilator and in medical induced coma

Can I see him


I walked to his and I took his hand and prayed for a miracle I love you I'm sorry I said as I kissed his forehead

I walked out and cried into my godfather chest as I held tighter they wheeled another patient with a gun shot wound

It was my boyfriend

I stood  up I tried following the bed

Mama I'm sorry you must go sit

No please it my boyfriend

Please have a sit

No I need to be with him

My godfather held me back

Come on with me

He took home

Go to bed

No I need to be by my boyfriend side

Stop it you need to be by you grandpa side

You too emotional exhausted from today go to sleep and make you mind in a better place tomorrow

I went to my room I just didn't go to sleep I fucking snuck out of the window went to the hospital do I give a shit no I don't

Hi Jesse

Room 33

I walked into his room and he was sleep I fell asleep on the couch the next morning the nurse were surprised to see me


I'm sorry this is my boyfriend

Okay that's fine

I went to get food and guess who looking for me my godfather

What the hell are you doing here

I'm visiting my boyfriend

You leaving

Get off me

My godfather took me to my house and left

Go to your room retarded daughter

I wen to my room and slam my door shut and just sob

Does know believe in me anymore and I just out of this life

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