Sal x female reader

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You decide to go to America for college even though your boyfriend begged you to stay in Canada. When you had your last year of college you felt bad.

Only going home during summer and you started to miss your boyfriend. With his mohawk and tattoos, he said he had a surprise but could tell you.

Your friends kept playing a song from my darkest days. You knew that band sounds familiar but you blew it off.

"Hey, I got us my darkest days tickets." Your friend giggled.

"I've got studies." You complained.

"Boo we are going." She demands.

As you get dressed in a killer outfit. Your boyfriend was in a hotel not far from the venue.

"I can't wait to see her again," Sal said.

"Awww he misses his girlfriend." Matt joked.

Sal always had you on his brain and was deeply in love with you. That is why he had a surprise for you.

As night fell you and your friend were heading to the venue. Then sal texted you and asked where were you.

Your reply on my way to a concert as the band my darkest days is heading. He replied coolly we are here at the venue.

Sal was at the venue did he get a job working for the band. As you asked your friend where did you get the tickets.

Your boyfriend sent them, she replied. So sal was working for the band. But what was his job for the band?

As you see fans at the venue waiting to get inside. A secure guard tells you and your friend that the band said you could come backstage.

You think sal must be tight with the band. Once you and your friend settle down. You hear the band on stage about to start up.

And right there as the guitarist from my darkest days was your boyfriend sal. He was a member then it hit you.

My darkest days were the band sal was always practicing in but you didn't pay attention to it because of college.

As the band starts with porn star dancing. The crowd gets hyped up with the music. After a few more songs the band stops as sal talks.

He was talking about a girl and how he based this song on her. Then they played like nobody else. Sal had written a song about you.

Once it ended Sal calls you out on stage and proposal to you. As you cried yes, fans were in aww with you two.

Then Sal kissed you on stage as the band congratulated you and him. And fans taking pics of the moment.

You never thought your boyfriend would propose or even be in a famous band. But you didn't care all he and was you.

Sal from my darkest day is my top 3 hotties from the band. Others are matt walst and reid Henry. But I hope you liked it.

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