Chapter 2

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***pretend last chapter i said she was 16 not 15

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***pretend last chapter i said she was 16 not 15. She's still a sophmore and Spencer is a junior.****

Brianna was watching the last solo she ever performed. It was nationals, and she won first place of course. Brianna was big in the dance world especially in California. A lot of people knew her name.

Ever since she was 11, it was rare she won anything but first place. Girls were scared to compete against her knowing she was a tough competitor. It was like a whole another being took over her body when she was performing. Her brother was the star football player, and she was the star dancer.

When news hit that she had gotten injured, there were so many prayers coming her way. However, it wasn't enough. She would never be able to compete again. All the time, money, and effort that went into her dancing was gone in a second.

Everyone would say what a shame it was. She would've made such a huge name for herself if she were able to continue dancing.

It had been a little over 6 months since her injury. All she could do was watch old videos of her and videos of other dancers. She could still dance but not anything like she used to be able to. She couldn't raise her injured leg too high, turn on it, or put too much weight on it.

Brianna still had the rhythm and grace that you could never take away from her, but it wasn't good enough. If she couldn't compete and perform like she used to be able to, there was no point.

The video of her performance ended. In the past six months, she's watched it hundreds of times. It was perfect. From the choreography, to the timing, to her facial expressions.  She got a perfect score on it and one first overall.

That one performance was talked about by basically every dancer all over country. Brianna was getting offer after offer to attend dance schools on a full scholarship. Brianna had narrowed it down to a couple of schools and finally got her mom to agree to letting her go to one of them.

Then a couple of months later, everything was gone. She was injured, because she wanted to practice her dance one more time backstage. And it cost her everything.

All she wanted was to have that all back. Nothing could make her feel the way performing in front of a crowd did, but she'd do anything to try.

Brianna let out a sigh before she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Spencer was helping Dillon with his homework as usual. Grace was telling Spencer how he was going to blow his shot, and the deal was he stays in Beverly Hills on weeknights.

"He can't stay away from Crenshaw, Ma. I don't blame him. Just the bleachers and field in Beverly is overwhelming," Brianna said before her phone started to ring.

She walked back into her room, and Kia informed her that a guy in Kia's grade was throwing a party. "I'm gonna get ready right now, and I'll walk to your house, and we can go together," Brianna said.

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