Chapter 11

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Layla and Brianna watched as Spencer and Dillon played basketball. "Dillon's got some game," Layla said when Dillon scored on Spencer. "Hey, don't encourage him," Spencer said. "You scared I'm gonna school you in front of your girl?" Dillon asked making Brianna burst out in laughs. "See?" "Just like his brother. I do like him calling me your girl, though," Layla said wrapping her arms around his neck. "You are my girl."

"Okay, that's my cue to leave. I'll be over there with Dillon." Spencer and Layla knew that Brianna knew about their relationship, and they asked her not to tell anyone. Brianna was happy Layla and Spencer were together, because they were a cute couple and better than Layla and Asher.

Brianna took the ball from Dillon causing a "hey!" to come out from the boy. She dribbled it and threw the ball. It went through the net, and Brianna was very proud of herself. Dillon had his hands on his hips with a glare on his face when she turned around. "What? You scared, D?"

"Absolutely not. We gonna finish this game or not?" Dillon asked Spencer. "We should probably go home." "Dude, we always have to leave early," Dillon complained. "Will you two get Dillon to the car? I'll be right behind you."

Brianna saw Coop and looked at Spencer. He nodded at her that he had it and Layla, Dillon, and her walked back to the car.


Chris, Patience, and Brianna walked out of school together seeing Spencer. They all greeted and hugged him.

"Uh, if you're looking for Coop, save yourself the trouble. She didn't show up again today," Patience told him. "Psh. Yeah, man, Miss Chambers gonna fail her ass in chemistry, that's for sure," Chris said. "Damn. How much days she miss?" "31 this week," Brianna answered. "At least when she was rolling with Shawn, she was still focusing on graduating. Now she's rolling with Tyrone and them, so who the hell knows? I'm worried about her, man," Patience told him.

"Yeah, I know. Me, too. Hey, hang in there with Coop, all right?" "No doubt." "Okay, hold up," Spencer said going over to Kia. "I thought Spencer and Kia ain't really been on speaking terms since they broke up." "They ain't," Chris said.


"So what are you gonna do?" Brianna asked her older brother. "Not quit." "Look, Flip ain't wrong. Neither are you. There's a lot of good in our community, but we have problems, too. You're picking the one that's most important to you and doing something about it. Don't let no old man run you off," Grace encouraged her son.

"Your mom sure knows how to give a pep talk," Layla said. "I know right," Brianna agreed. "Yeah, she all right," Spencer added. "Smartass," Grace gently hit his arm before going over to see who was at the front door. "Oh, Spencer. Got a guest."

"Hey, Kia, what's up?" Spencer asked. "This is so not gonna be awkward," Dillon said making Brianna giggle before shutting herself up and putting her finger over her mouth in a "be quiet" motion.

"Just 'cause my uncle ain't down to help or whatever doesn't mean I'm not," Kia informed him.

Brianna and Kia gave each other a hug while saying hey to each other.
"Kia, this is Layla," Spencer introduced. "Hi," Layla told the girl. "His girlfriend," Dillon added. Brianna hit his arm and gave him a look. "Dillon, get your butt in here and stop bothering your brother," Grace said. Dillon sighed, "It was just getting good."

"Okay, so, I was thinking. Maybe instead of planning a big rally, you could focus on something you know for sure our people would show up for," Kia said. - "Like what?" Layla and Brianna questioned at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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