Chapter 5

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"So I'm working late tonight, and Dillon has a sleep-over with a friend, but I put some the fridge for you and Bri to warm up when you get home," Grace told Spencer

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"So I'm working late tonight, and Dillon has a sleep-over with a friend, but I put some the fridge for you and Bri to warm up when you get home," Grace told Spencer.

"Okay?" "For real?" Spencer asked thinking no one remembered his birthday. "Something wrong, honey? Oh, yeah. One more thing."

Grace, Dillon, and Brianna started singing "Happy Birthday" to the boy. "We'll all be here today," Grace said. "Hey, that was cold." "Tell him it was my idea!" Dillon said wanting credit. "I'm sorry, baby. That was all Dylan. And don't worry. It'll only be a family dinner, just how you like it," Grace said.

"That's all I need. But I do wish I was eating one of them sweet corn muffins you always make on my birthday," Spencer said. Brianna groaned, "Ugh, yes." "Check your bag." "What?" Spencer said chuckling. He pulled out the container of muffins.

"Yo, how did you do that?" Spencer asked. "I love you to the moon and back. And we'll see you tonight."

"Gimme one," Brianna said reaching over trying to grab the container. Spencer pulled away laughing. "Nah." "Looks like you aren't getting your gift then," Brianna said holding up a wrapped box.

Spencer frantically opened the container of muffins. "Here," Spencer said handing her a muffin in exchange for the present.

He put down the muffins and opened the wrapping paper. He saw a new pair of sneakers he's been wanting. "No way, Bri. Thank you. Thank you," he said giving her a hug. "No problem, Spence."


Brianna was on her phone as she smoked another cigarette on her way to school. Mrs. Baker sent her an e-vite for Spencer's birthday celebration tomorrow at their house. How does she even have my email?

Brianna put out her cigarette a few minutes before she got to the school and took out the bottle of perfume to disguise any last bit of the smell that didn't come off during those minutes.

She made her way into the school and went to Kia's locker. "Look who it is. You been spending more time in Beverly than in Crenshaw lately," Kia chuckled. "I know. I'm going tomorrow too, because the Baker's are throwing him a birthday celebration."

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