Chapter 4

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Jordan and Brianna were on their date at the Cafe, and some of Jordan and Spencer's friends were there watching them

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Jordan and Brianna were on their date at the Cafe, and some of Jordan and Spencer's friends were there watching them. "Is this your first date with a girl or something? They haven't stopped staring since they got here," Brianna said.

"I think it's because you're Spencer's little sister," Jordan told her. The two had been there for about an hour and a half, and everyone else got there about half an hour ago. They all greeted Brianna and Jordan and went to the pool table not to disturb them. The stares were a little disturbing though.

"Should we go over to them?" Brianna asked. Jordan nodded, "Better than getting holes burned into our heads from their eyes." Brianna laughed and agreed.

"Hey, guys," Jordan said with Brianna next to him. "This is Brianna, Spencer's sister. Brianna this is Asher, Layla, and JJ," Jordan introduced them to her.

"So you're the infamous Brianna James I've heard about many times," Layla said. Brianna let out a small laugh. "Damn Spence you can't stop talking about me to your friends, huh?" Spencer smiled before telling his sister to shut up and laughed.

"I've heard about you many times too, Layla," Brianna said glancing over at Spencer thinking of him also lowkey swooning over Layla as well as Olivia.

Asher must have noticed this, because he wrapped his arm over Layla. "Wait, if you two aren't siblings, how old are you, Bri?" JJ asked pointing his finger back and forth between Spencer and Brianna.

"I turned 16 a couple months ago, and Spencer's turning 17 soon," Brianna informed the blonde boy. "Ohhh. You two don't look that alike. What if you two aren't actually siblings, and you're fooling all of us," JJ said making the two laugh at his conspiracy theory. Little did they all know, they were actually feeding into a theory of Jordan's.

Layla and Brianna sat next to each other and talked. The two clicked instantly. They also watched the boys play some pool. They were talking about football and whether a pick or interception is the better way to go.

"Can we talk about anything other than football please?" Layla asked and Brianna agreed. Spencer went over to Olivia, and they talked a little. "Hi, Olivia!" Brianna called out waving hi to the girl.

"Hi, Brianna!" Olivia waved back to the sweet girl with a smile. "Your sister is so sweet and seems so innocent," Olivia gushed. He let out a little scoff, "I don't know about innocent." Olivia saw him look to the ground sadly and wondered what he was thinking of.

Spencer shook his head and asked the girl if she wanted to join them, but she declined saying that she was getting food to go.

Spencer came back to the group. "Who asked for the bill?" Asher asked. "I did. Well, give me your cards." "How much I owe?" Spencer asked. "Why are we calling it so early?" Asher wondered but no one answered.

"Don't worry about it, Spence. I got you," Jordan said. "Nah, man. What, this ain't enough?" "No, no, it's cool. I got an allowance card for stuff like this. It's not a big deal. Just get me next time." Brianna smiled sadly feeling bad for her brother knowing he didn't like any handouts, but she gushed over Jordan's generosity.

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