Chapter 7

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***I don't wanna have to keep putting this picture so Brianna basically always has her hair (straightened) and makeup like this unless I put otherwise****

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***I don't wanna have to keep putting this picture so Brianna basically always has her hair (straightened) and makeup like this unless I put otherwise****

When Brianna was getting ready, she got a next from a number she didn't have saved in her contacts. The person texted her saying she needs to drop off 2 racks at a deli in Crenshaw within the next 2 days.

Brianna was so confused and texted them back that they had the wrong number. "If this Brianna James then I got the right number." Brianna's heart started to race. Why would someone demand she dropped off $2,000?

"Who is this?" She texted them back. "That ain't important. Do as I say and we'll be good." Brianna's heart was starting to race at this point. "What if I don't?" Brianna sent. She chewed on her lip as she waited for their response. "Then I'll have to let your brother and new boyfriend know about your entanglement with Shawn Scott."

Brianna froze and felt like she couldn't breathe, but her fingers started typing. "That's not true." "Whatever you say, James," they texted her back. She started to breathe heavily before the doorbell rang. She went to the front door and opened it seeing Jordan. They greeted each other and hugged. Brianna let him inside. "What are you doing here?" Brianna asked him. "Um, so tomorrow is homecoming. I was wondering if you'd be my date? Since your my girlfriend now and all," Jordan asked her with a smile.

Brianna put a grin on her face forgetting what happened moments prior to him asking her. She jumped into his arms. "Yes, of course." They kissed, and Jordan asked her if she wanted to hang out with him and some friends at the Cafe. Brianna agreed and brought him into her room.

"Damn, you have so many awards," Jordan said looking around at all the dance trophies and plaques. "85% of them are first place," Brianna said flipping her hair off her shoulder. "I see you," Jordan chuckled. Brianna put some money in a purse and checked her phone to see if the person texted her again. Thankfully, they didn't so she slipped her phone back into her purse.

Jordan picked up a picture of Brianna looking in a mirror with a bunch of spotlights on it putting lip gloss on. She looked like a celebrity backstage.

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