Chapter 9

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Brianna felt weird that everyone was carrying on in life while Shawn was gone

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Brianna felt weird that everyone was carrying on in life while Shawn was gone. Dead. But there was no other option, so she did the usual routine of getting ready in the morning and going to school.

Brianna texted her brother congratulating him on being awarded Division Player of the Year. She couldn't focus in math, because all she could think of was the fact that she was going to Shawn's funeral that night before heading to Spencer's ceremony.


 "Quintell Dennis

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"Quintell Dennis. Marcus Heard. Tyson Glover. Jamerrill Maxwell. Shawn Scott. I'm tired, y'all. This list just keeps growing. How many more names do I need to read in here? I've known Shawn Scott since before he could walk. He should be sitting right here, next to his beautiful mother."

Brianna lowered her head after looking over at Ruth. The pastor was right. Too many people were dying. "Instead, we're saying good-bye to him on Tuesday. We have children leaving our neighborhoods just to stay alive. Y'all ain't tired? This endless cycle of violence. Whose name am I gonna read in here next? Yours? Yours? How about yours? Am I gonna read your name in here next?" Pastor Weeks asked making everyone think. A tear slipped down Brianna's face.

Why you Shawn? Why you?

Brianna stayed behind at the church while Coop and Spencer left. "Hi, Ruth," Brianna said making her way up to her. "Brianna? It's so good to see you, baby."

"You too. I'm sorry that these are the circumstances," Brianna said sadly with tears in her eyes. Ruth nodded before speaking, "Both my boys are gone. Maya with me now. Missing her daddy," Ruth said defeated.

"She's lucky to have you," Brianna said. "I know you and my Shawn were close. How you holding up?" Brianna shrugged. "I'm okay, I guess. I'm just glad I at least got to talk to him over the phone one last time before he passed. You're son was-," Brianna took a breath as her eye welled up with tears. "He was a good boy. He deserved more, and he wanted more for Maya. He was so close. I wish he got that," Brianna cried.

Ruth wrapped her into a hug as the two cried into each other's arms. Pastor Weeks along with some other people watched the scene in front of them with broken hearts.

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