"I brought the blanket ... "

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"I brought the blanket for myself because I'm easily cold but here, put it under your butt." Tristan took my blanket and folded it up, then he placed it on the icy bleachers. He sat down then beckoned for me to sit on his lap. He held on to me and I fed him bites of the hotdog we were sharing.

Parents and kids decorated the bleachers at the baseball game late in April. Tristan and I were now dating for seven weeks. It felt longer than that, so I counted the two weeks I knew him. Making it a total of nine. We were so young in our relationship and yet we were so close. Well, minus sex close. The one night he came over about two weeks ago is still the farthest we've gone.

Tristan liked baseball so I agreed to come to one of the games on a Thursday.

The game was kind of boring to me so once the hotdog was gone, I laid my head on Tristan's shoulder and literally fell asleep during the game. Someone came by and sat next to Tristan.

"Hey, man," it was Jeff

"Hey, Jeff," I felt the basketball player sit next to us and I acted like I was asleep.

"Jazz asleep?" Tristan nodded. "How can she sleep? It's freezing out here and there's a game going on."

"She likes sports but she's like a koala. She wraps herself around me and sleeps." I smiled at his analogy because it was so true. I am definitely a koala when it comes to Tristan. He's like a tall tree and I hug him all hours of the day.

"Man, I would date if only relationships were as good as that. Do you guys fight at all?"

"Uh, no. I don't think so. Jasmine is very understanding and I don't try to find ways to upset her on purpose. She's also just so sweet she can't irritate me." I smiled and knew that half of what he said was almost true. I mean, I am understanding. And Tristan doesn't try to get on my bad side. But I can irritate him. Oh yeah. Whenever he falls asleep around me, I take advantage of his sleep talking. Or when he has food on his face, he hates it when I try to wipe it off because he doesn't like me acting like his mom. Or when I watch a romance movie, he groans and threatens to leave my house if I don't change the movie. Of course I just need to give him a good kiss on the lips, tell him how handsome he is, and allow him to lay on me and sleep during the film.

"What are you guys? Romeo and Juliet?"

Tristan shrugged. "We're better than Romeo and Juliet. We've gotten to be together the past seven weeks." Ahhhh! He's also counting!

"Seven weeks? That's not very long."

"I know right? It sounds better if I say I've known her for fifteen weeks—three months." I smiled and blushed. I forgot that Tristan had his eye on me longer than I had my eye on him. Suddenly our early meetings ran through my head and I laughed at myself for constantly telling Miley and Hannah that Tristan wasn't my type. How dead wrong I was.

"Have you guys done it yet?"

"No man, stop asking."

"She's friends with Lizzy, right?"

"Yeah, they've been getting along lately."

Getting along? More like love each other. She's in more classes with me than Hannah or Miley have ever been. She's not in my Algebra II class or computers and I was really glad because those are my classes with my baby. But she's in my English class and I no longer have to listen to music or Hannah, Sarah, and Jen talk about gossip. And then she's in the rest of my classes, which is really nice.

Jeff chuckled. "I totally did it with her,"

"That's funny, Jazz said she blew you off and walked home by herself. Smooth, Jeff. Smooth."

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