Chapter 11

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"Nay! Thee und'rstand not! Zeltin did want thi-" Zato was abruptly cut off by Rhenda's scream.
"What I don't understand is why you horrendous devils decided to use someone to embezzle their lifeblood! I knew you three had something to hide!" The woman lamented as her body started effusing luminous blood-red light, still lingering in the empty, meaningless void.
"Rhenda..? Why are you overreacting about a body..?" Minne slowly creeped up to Rhenda.

"YOU DON'T GET IT! Zeltin was the only person in my whole life that actually cared if I existed or not! She wasn't just an ordinary friend, she was like the sister I never had! You won't understand. You don't know how it feels like to lose a friend that loyal to you! That feeling was made even WORSE when I realized that she was gone; and even further when I perceived that she has perished in secret! You have no idea how that feels. The pain and the suffering you have to go through, all because of some inane imbeciles wanting more power for themselves!" Intensely sobbing, Rhenda wiped her tears away.

"Now, it's your turn to place your bets the game of chance, since I will surely take them all."

"Just prithee alloweth us pray pardon me!" Altan pleaded, knowing his demise was nearing.
"We nev'r tooketh Zeltin's life! The lady depart'd this w'rld because of the pesky bugs in the Gaping Cradle! Those pests somehow bolt'd to Goldheath due to the uncov'r'd entrance! Those gents slowly consumed h'r alive!"
"H'r final dying wisheth wast to prolong the existence of the civilization the lady did create, so she hath passed on h'r blood to us, hoping f'r the most wondrous as h'r life wast taken, resting on h'r throne! We tooketh h'r Pith as the lady did request, and did start making m're constructs with it. Only then didst the civilzation groweth and groweth!"
"The Goldheads did praise Zeltin as their rul'r, so announcing yond the lady hadst kicked the bucket wast a dare, so we hath kept it und'r wraps f'r a longeth timeth, until those gents did get used to us Instigat'rs."

Rhenda, slowly realizing the dire fate of her loved one, started to get herself together.

"W-wait, so she died because of the mites? You didn't do anything to h-her..?" she wept.
"Aye! To putteth t simply, we w're h'r s'rvants." Igolide explained.
"Would you three excuse me for a bit?" Still wailing in grief, she took the elevator down.

"Her relationship with Zeltin is incomparable to anything else." Marc pondered as the three Instigators sat down and took deep breaths.
"It was for a good cause." Minne contemplated as the three started calming down.
"Aye, it wasn't our fault yond the most wondrous Deific of riches p'rish'd anon."

Meanwhile, Rhenda took the long walk back to Zeltin's memorial shrine.

"Heya, luv. Its been a long time since I've tried to talk to ya. I hope all is well up there in the High Lands along with the Deifics there. You offered your life and your form for a good cause, and I'm proud of you for that. Usually, you'd just lay there in the back, doing pretty much nothing. I was pretty surprised when I heard that you became a Deific yourself, while I'm still here, mourning over your cenotaph, still as a Loreseer. I never thought this time would come; me realizing that you were still out there. When we said our goodbyes, I never even stopped to think about how great it would be seeing you again. I had so much things planned to do when we'd meet again, but now, knowing that that day would be forgotten forever... I can't even say a word. Anyway, I may be disturbing your peace, so I'll get going now. See you when I take my final breath." Rhenda took the time to say that little message she had planned for her lost one.

Walking back to the spire, Auro was there, yet again.
"Hello there, Rhenda! I'm pretty sure you headed up the spire earlier, how come I didn't see you come down?" the Goldhead asked in confusion.
"Heh, I have my ways. I'll just head on through." Rhenda affirmed as she took the elevator up, and was welcomed back by Minne, Marc, and the Instigators.

"How was it?" the woman asked.
"Miserable. Still, utterly miserable." Rhenda sobbed, bearing a tremendous frown.
"Art thee humour a dram did bett'r?" Altan sincerely queried, waving about his hands.
"Only a minute amount so far." she replied, inching closer to a chair.
"By the way, why do you guys speak like that?" Marc wondered about the Instigators' speech.
"We w're curs'd to talketh liketh this f'rev'r. I knoweth not how, I knoweth not wherefore, but whenev'r we talketh regular English, our w'rds starteth transf'rming into this abomination!"

"HEY! It's a simple purple rune solution! Don't you screw this up for us!"
"Alright, alright. No worries, Minne."

In reality, Marc had absolutely no idea what to do, so he just brought out a purple rune, and started writing an unsystematic farrago on the poor little rune, as he threw it into the air, hoping it will work out as planned.

And, to his surprise, it did. The feeling of relief was flowing throughout Marc's body as the three Instigators felt a slight feeling of regularity amongst themselves.

"We... we sound normal!" Zato rejoiced, as Rhenda, Minne, and Marc were finally free of the hard shackles of the Instigators' tiresome verbal communication.
"Finally! We're free from that hellish, tiring language!" Igolide followed.
"We can finally live normal lives like normal people, and speak normal words!" Altan finished as they stood up and gave each other a warm hug.

"Thanks a ton, outsiders. Your efforts shall be valued endlessly." Igolide gratified as the three gave them a huge bow, signifying their acknowledgement.
"No problem, guys. Keep this little civilization ongoing, for it's doing very well in its current state." Minne advised the Instigators, as they took the elevator down to the ground.

And the man, er- Goldhead was there again.

"I see you have departed the Creator's Column, yes?" he asked in his unforgettable monotone voice.
"That's the name of the spire? The Creator's Column?" Rhenda asked.
"Yes. Named by the Deific herself." Auro replied, as the Loreseer faintly remembered a moment Zeltin and her shared...


"When I grow to be almighty and powerful, I want to create an area filled with beautiful, golden houses, buildings, and even people! Isn't that such a marvellous sight?" Zeltin, years before present time, wondered to Rhenda.
"Yeah! What a pretty neat dream you got there! I wish my mind was as extensive as yours sometimes..."
"I will sit atop my beautiful tower that I shall deem 'The Creator's Column', made of gold!"
"Dream on, Zelt!"


"Pretty neat name, eh?"
"Yes. Indeed it is neat. Now, perhaps you are now bored, just looking for something to do. Unluckily, the only connection to Goldheath is the Pave of the Palmer, which is simply the seemingly interminable path that directs to Kinsfield Central and some sort of red palace. Fortunately however, the Pave connects to the supposedly abandoned Charnel House, the only known cemetery in Kinsfield in an empty subdivision of the mass forest known as Timera, which encompasses the entirety of the kingdom."
Marc summons a little diary with an orange rune and starts taking down notes from Auro.
"Further ahead the Pave, there lies another entrance to the Gaping Cradle beneath us. Taking a few more steps to the left reveals a savory scent, although it is not known where it emanates from. Some people just visit the Pave just to smell that exquisite aroma."
"Information noted. Thanks, Auro!" Minne led the way to the Pave of the Palmer, which they started walking on.

Better wish them the best of luck, for the House is not a simple laughing matter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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