Chapter 2: Despaired Fairies

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(Calm and cool waters surround the ship with a notably gentle breeze passing by as if nothing could ruin this day.)

     "Hey Carla" Wendy spoke rather quietly

    "Carla!!! Can you hear me!!!!Carla!!!! She shouted the best she could, only too shortly after lean off to the side almost puking from the motion sickness
            *Inner monologue*

"The only real downside to being a Dragon-Slayer.... This damned motion sickness drives me crazy why oh why did my spell wear off sooo soon.......uuuuuhhhhh my stomach feels like it's turning inside out....bleehhh."

   "Oh child what is all this ruckus all about you sh..........." Carla said before seeing the young Dragon-Slayer hunched over in fetal position

    "Ahh I see your spell wore off already well I'll carry you while you cast it again"  She said with slight irritation in her voice

    After flying Wendy around the ship for awhile she finally feels well enough to cast her spell once more. Troia and within moments Wendy regains her composure no longer feeling like death. Now that her equilibrium her sense of smell was faintly able to pick up a familiar scent it was then she knew they were almost there. Grabbing her picnic basket she felt..... Off some how as if something were wrong but then shrugged it off figuring it was leftover feelings of motion sickness. The closer they got the more off she felt before she knew it her whole body was trembling. Tenrou Island the most sacred piece of land to the guild of Fairy Tail was now within view they were almost there and it seemed that the rumors were just that rumors. Upon docking the crew sets out to find their fellow guild mates as all seems well at the moment. Wendy pushes her negative feelings aside chalking it up to motion sickness sets foot on the island joining the search. Several minutes into the search Wendy begins to hear fighting off in the distance following its direction.




*Rushing over to the commotion"

  "Guys are you alright what's goi......." What stood in front of her and the others cause the young girl to freeze in pure terror, a pitch black dragon.

    "(Simultaneously) Wendy, Carla stay back!!!!!!!" 

   The dragon let out a roar that shook the whole island along with being Soo loud it nearly drove every living being on Tenrou to tears it was unbearable, monstrous, and yet full of anger, hate but something else...... Sorrow.

"Ccc-Carla, *hightened voice* hh I can't stop trembling my whole body is shaking........ What's wrong with me....... I feel scared but nothing is happening to me...... Carla I......" She said in a trembling voice. No longer able to withstand the demonic roar of the dragon she falls to her knees covering her ears attempting to muffle the sound to no avail. The dragon soon brings it's gaze to the girl and her exceed preparing to attack.

   "Child look out!!!!!!" Carla shouts as she narrowly rescues the young Dragon-Slayer from the massive claws of the pitch black dragon. Tumbling to the ground and for a brief moment they are defenseless.

       *Swinging the next claw*

     As they both lie there unable to move in time Carla and Wendy brace themselves. Suddenly a bright flash of fire bursts out before them.

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