Chapter 7: Old Magics

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              *Three days later*

    Laying down restless that word continued to giant the bluenette. Now four in the morning she finally knows what she has to do

  " If he's a demon then, I'll have to learn to slay demons too!" Her mind finally at ease she drifted off to sleep.

Groggy upon waking Wendy throws on a green dress with gold accents and her favorite sandals and heads to the Fairy Tail library.

   "What can I help you with miss?" The librarian said up on a ladder, facing away from the young bluenette

   "I need every bit of information you have on Demon-Slayer magic." She said with a nervous tone

  "Are you sure......oh Wendy I didn't know that was you." The librarian asked with a surprised look

   ".... yeah I'm sure." With a stern look on her face but still slightly nervous

  "Okay give me a moment to collect the books for you." Spoken calmly as she gathered a few books

                 *Weeks later*

  Learning all she could about Demon-Slayer magic she finally learned of the location where she could learn the old magic.

     "Carla......... I found a place to learn Demon-Slayer magic!!!!" She said accidentally startling the exceed

    "Wendy....a-are you certain about this?" With a worrisome look upon her face

   "Yes I am Acnologia is more than a dragon he is a demon........ Oh that reminds me!!!!, I made you something." Remembering what she had picked up from that blacksmith yesterday

    "What's this.... They look soo elegant." Awestruck as the exceed could only gaze upon the items

It was a pair of extermely light weight clawed gauntlets and greaves. Dark almost jet black but some how shining as if it were all made it gemstones. Upon closer look she notices the gold accents to the armor pieces along with how smooth everything appeared over all, they were masterpieces to behold.

  "They're armor I took some of  Acnologia's scales and home fragments to a blacksmith. It's call Dragonite he said that they're near unbreakable." She said knocking on the armor, smirking slightly at the fact that she had to break them to obtain them.

  "Well they look beautiful thank you darling....... Atleast one good thing came from that monster." Carla looked of to the side before dawning her new armor. She let out a flurry of punches and kicks to test them out. They were astonishingly light it felt like she wasn't even wearing armor at all she was truly amazed.

"........ Yeah, oh and he also made me these, they're made from the scales and faceplate pieces" Pulling out a pair of almost identical gauntlets of her own. The same shine and accents but somehow they seemed different.

  "Let me show you how they work." She then charged her magic into the armor. The hands and claws seemed to expand a bit. The Dragon-Slayer explained

    " When I use my magic to shape claws around my arms the gauntlets expand and help me to keep the claws stable for longer." She said smiling proudly.

   With that they set off choosing to fly to save time. Within a few hours they reached their destination but nothing was there. Baffled they begin to look around noticing a glowing orb. Following the orb they make sure not to drop their guard.

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