Chapter 3: Mourning Fairies

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Finally reaching Magnolia everyone aboard slowly drudge their way back to the guild halls as if going to the guild would mean it was all real. Slowly but surely the members of Fairy Tail reach the place many of them knew as home. The doors opened and cheers echoed throughout the halls of Fairy Tail which soon turned to am awkard stillness inside. The air was still as Gildarts made his way to the front of the guild hall and after he was certain everyone was present he signaled for the doors to be shut as he prepared to speak.

"I need every single soul to listen....." His face as serious as any had ever seen. Dread slowly filled the room. Gildarts proceeded to tell all what he had witnessed on Tenrou Island the exam, the attack from the dark guild, the encounter with Zeref, the dragon attack, the rescue, along with the sacrifices made to protect the guild, their home, their families and of course for Fairy Tail. Tears could be seen amongst almost every face. Gildarts announced that everyone would be allowed time off to mourn and that untill then all jobs were to be halted. Little by little the members of Fairy Tail made their ways out of the hall until only a few remained. The guild hall now empty the doors remained shut for 1 month before anyone other than Gildarts or Laxus entered the halls.
                    Fairy Hills

   Once more Carla awoke to the screams of the young Dragon-Slayer. She was have nightmares herself but managed to stay held together for Wendy's sake though she regrets leaving all her friends and yes even the absurdly annoying Tom Cat. Carla paused as a few tears ran down her face saying to herself

   "If they all made it out alive somehow I'll accept every and any stupid fish that Tom Cat offers......... Happy...... I miss
..... My Happy." Sniffling before composing her emotions to go over and comfort Wendy whom she was now cradling in a motherly fashion.

  "Shhh.....shhhhh....shhhh can old it's alright child no one here is trying to hurt you... I've got you I'm here I will always be here for you dear Wendy." Now stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her and after a few minutes they both are fast asleep. Three hours pass and Wendy awakes again terrified and covered in sweat. She noticed Carla was still asleep so she did her best not to wake the exceed. No retuning from the sink after washing her face it's clear she won't be able to fall asleep again tonight. Back at her room she glanced over to her clock noting it was 4 am. Not able to sleep holding Natsus' scarf close making her way to the window gazing at all the stars she thinks to herself.

  "Was it something I did.......what was it..... Why....... Why is it no matter what I do me and Carla are always left abandoned...... Are we not allowed to have any friends....... Are we not enough........ Am I not enough." Now sitting in the corner of her room still clutching Natsus' scarf muttering

  "You promised you'd make it off alive you told everyone.......... You promised me...... Please I just don't want to be abandoned anymore........... You all promised...... You promised." She now fell silent watching the stars all the way until a bit after the sun rise not speaking a word. Carla at last awoke turning to see Wendy sit quietly in the corner

   " Wendy are you okay"

  " Hmmm oh yeah...... So listen Carla I want to start taking jobs again."

  "Well that's great when did you want to head to the Guild Hall?!!!?"

   "After I clean up a bit then I figured we'd get some breakfast while we look over the request board." Letting out a slight smile which caught Carla off guard.

   "Ooohhh!! You're smiling."

  "Yes I am sorry to have startled you Carla."

  "It's okay I'm just glad to see a smile on your face!"

   Now all cleaned up they head to Fairy Tail and order some breakfast, Wendys' which consists of buttery pancakes covered in blueberry syrup with a side of bacon while Carla stuck to some oatmeal and a glass of milk. As they reach the request board both agree to take an easy one to start just a simple delivery mission completing it in only an hour or so. Wendy turns to Carla in a serious manor

  " Carla I've made a decision...."

  "What's that child?"

  "I'm going to train my Dragon-Slayer magic everyday..... Until I'm the strongest Dragon-Slayer in the entire world!!!" With a look of pure determination unwavering on her face.

  " Wendy I.."

" And when I accomplish that I will hunt down that Dragon and avenge our friends." Carla could only smile and nod.

" We will train together I can work on my transformation and foresight magics as well."

               *6 months pass*

     Taking three even four jobs a day training an hour or two in between each one, on top of her usual three to four hours of training in the morning and right before bed. With all the money saved up from the past few months Wendy and Carla head over to the local market. Wendy after searching for a few minutes finds and buys three lacrimas, Sky Dragon, motion sickness, and  a magically charged lacrima to help regulate and amplify her power. Carla also purchased a magically charged lacrima for the same purposes. They pick up some more essentials and make their way to the guild hall to have their lacrimas implanted. Arriving at the guild hall many still grow quiet when Wendy and Carla come in Wendy was typically wore Natsus'scarf nowadays and Carla wore one of Happys' old backpack. Some thought I was off but others also understood but those items always reminded some of the events of Tenrou. With their lacrimas now implanted they head out to train but not before Gildarts gets everyones attention he had an announcement but first he waited for all of Fairy Tail's members to gather.

  " Alright everyone I'm not good at these so I'll keep it short...... I'm stepping down as master to set out for training."

  "And as my last act as Fairy Tail's master I reinstate Laxus as a full member of Fairy Tail and he...... Will serve as the next guild master." 

  A commotion stirred as Gildarts left the guild had never been so loud. Laxus slowly made his way to the front of the room as everyone rambled on. Upon reaching the bar he spoke

  "ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As bolts of lightning strike Laxus

   " You all have my word as guild master I will keep Fairy Tail head and shoulders above the rest." The room calmed down as they could all see the determination on his face.

  " I know many of you still may not trust me and I can't promise that'll change I will just have to try my best. Also, I haven't forgotten about Tenrou Island and this promise I can make we will find that damned dragon and on my word as a Dragon-Slayer and Fairy Tail's guild master I will find it and tear it from this world screaming beneath our heels."

           " FOR FAIRY TAIL"

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