Chapter 9: Disbelief

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*Seven years past Tenrou Island*

   Carla and Wendy have cleared out countless demon infested villages and towns. The nickname Wendy got from the first village last year stuck, she was now The Demon Queen of Fairy Tail. She wasn't to find of it but it stuck mother less. One whole year of hunting demons and slaying demons, there was now only one town left in magnolia rumored to have any Demons. But to all her enemies she was simply The Demon Luckily the town was on the way back to the guild hall so it was already on their way. Upon arriving to town it was clear their had been a huge fight. The air blew with a familiar scent.

  " I-it it can't be...... Could it really be true?!?!?!!?" Wendy said her whole body now shaking

   "Dear where are you going?" Carla shouted before chasing after her

" Please be true please be true please please please please please please please be true." The Bluenette thought out loud praying she wasn't dreaming

  " Hey there don't worry we took care of that weirdo for ya" A pink haired man with a familiar scent said grinning

   " N-natsu is it really........." Wendy said reaching out to touch his face before look behind him. Erza, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, and Happy were all behind him hoping it wasn't a dream she clenched her fists

  " A-all of you please tell me I'm not dreaming please!!! Is it really you are you all alive." As tears begin to stream down her face

  " Why yes we are all quite alive  we are heading to Fairy Tail we've been gone for little bit." Erza said firmly not recognizing Wendy

  " Seven years " Wendy said looking at her feet

"WHATTT?!?!?!?!!?" The group exclaimed

" You've all been gone for seven...... Long..... Years"  She repeated in a crying voice

" Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! " Natsu said before falling to the ground lifelessly

  "You think that I'd die that easy Salamander? " The Demon from earlier now standing tall mocking the Fire Dragon-Slayer

   " Natsu!!!! " Wendy shouted as the color seemed to have left her eyes

" Come on come on breath wake up wake up." She yelled attempting to heal him to no avail

  " It's too late your friend is dead hahaha! Care to try your luck Tatanya? Or what about you............ Oh no oh no it can't be you please I'm sorry!!" The demons' mocking tone quickly turned to fear as it began to tremble

  " You'll PAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Bluenette yelled, the ground cracking and rumbling beneath her feet, wind howling and the sky trembling as if mother nature herself was frightened I the girls power.

"So intense.... Can't stand" Reza dropped to her hands and knees

"....*throws up from magical pressure*..." Lucy spewing all over the place

" Wha.... *Passes out*..." Gray collapsed to the ground

  "Grey darling I ...... I can't stand up" Juvia trembling not knowing why this was happening

  " Uhuhuhuh.... Fishies" Happy passed out

" is you the Demon of Fairy Tail!!!"The Demon shouted before literally being crushed under Wendy's heel gurgling as if it's blood were on fire, struggling to breathe. She picked it up off the ground as her gauntlets expand into their full form. Kicking and thrashing about attempting to get free, begging for its life. Looking into its eyes, Wendy simple ripped it's soul from its body and consumed it  and tossed the corpse to the ground.

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