Chapter 5: Demons part 1

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   It has been three and a half years since the events of Tenrou Island and the attack of Acnologia. Arrive at the guild hall the trio now go their separate ways Gildarts goes to speak with Laxus while Wendy and Carla go grab a quick meal. Just after finishing their meals the duo head back to Fairy Hills only to find their room had been given to someone else.

  "Heh heh well I guess that's what happens when you disappear and don't pay your bills for three years huh Carla?" Letting out an awkward goofy laugh.

  "This is serious my dear we need to head to town and rent a hotel room until we get enough to pay off our debts." She frantically rambles one for a few minutes.

   "Carla relax"

  "And why would I do that do you have any ideas miss Dragon-Slayer?"

  "Yeah actually I do have one idea." Looking down at Natsus' scarf which she was wearing as a belt around the waist of her dress for some reason. Carla the composes herself. They then collect their belongings and make their way to Natsu and Happys' old house.

It was the perfect idea for now Natsu and Happy did own their house and thanks to Laxus nobody dared snoop around. Standing outside the two are both awestruck by the fact that the house was still intact.

  "Wendy how will we get in the door is locked."

   "Don't worry Carla Natsu gave everyone a spare key for emergencies.... And well this is an emergency I guess."

Unlocking the door she struggles to open it as if something were blocking it she pushed harder to no avail. The duo the take a few steps back and push the door as hard as they both could finally opening it. It was now clear why they both struggled........ This........ Was....... The dirtiest house they'd EVER SEEN.

Carla instantly hovered over the mess with ease. Wendy how ever trip and fell into a pile of Natsus' dirt underwear, a pair were even on top of her head almost like a hat. She scurried in sort of a boneless wiggle away from the pile not noticing the pair on her head. Looking over she saw Carla stuck in a pot, Wendy had knocked her into it unknowingly. She freed Carla apologizing over and over again. Carla pointed to her head she then threw the pair of her head and into a corner. Her face was as red as a tomato, she had never been this embarrassed.

" Well is an absolute mess." She said angrily.

  " I'm sorry Carla I didn't know Natsu and Happy were this messy." She said still embarrassed

"Well what are you waiting for, let's start cleaning." Carla said commandingly

"Right!!"  She said now randomly dawning cleaning equipment. A few hours later their new home is now all cleaned up.

With their new home all cleaned Carla goes off to take a cat nap. Meanwhile Wendy was sniffing around the entire house she didn't know why but she could smell something...... familiar. Finally coming to a door in the back of the house she hesitates a moment before carefully opening the door. There were all sorts of trinkets, weapons, clothes and armor.

  "This must be all the things Natsu and Happy collected after each, but what's that smell." She said curiously.

  Following the smell she now comes to the far left corner of the room she begins to tear up a little. Lucy's maid outfit along with a few of her belts she put her celestial keys in. Some weapons and armor that must have belonged to Erza. A few of Gray shirts along with assorted necklaces and bracelets. Last but not least a few off trinkets that looked a bit odd, after a moment she realized......those things were from Caitshelter. Overwhelmed with the smells and memories of her friends she lets her emotions flow and begins to cry like she hasn't in almost three years.

             *2 months later*

  The Exceed and Bluenette have been talking any and all jobs lately. Gathering any information they could about Acnologias location. Training when they could and also fixing up their new house. Carla almost always walked around in her human form now at first to further her training but now she just liked it. As for Wendy she no longer needed Carla's help to fly do to being able to sprout wings even outside of DragonForce, the wings themselves had grown to about the same size as Carla's. Seeing Gildarts in the distance they both fly over to greet him.

  "Gildarts!! Long time no see, how have you been?" They duo said excitedly

   "Why hello you do look well I must admit." Carla said smuggly

  "Oh hey Wendy I'm doing great actually." He said with a distracted look on his face

  "So hey who's your cute friend over there?" He said goofily

   " *Blushing* it's me you buffoon!!!" With a slightly embarrassed look on her face

  " Carla!!! I hardly recognize you!!!!" He said in utter shock

  "Hmmm... Well it is nice to see you regardless." She spoke smuggly again.

   "Wish I could stay and chat but I'm on my way to a mission, see ya back at Fairy Tail." Waving goodbye to the pair.

  Arriving at Fairy Tail Macao with a surprised look on his face walks over to the Bluenette.

  "I didn't think I'd see you two today" he said a bit cautiously

  "What do you mean we finished our jobs and figured we'd head on back."  The Bluenette said scratching her head

  " Didn't Gildarts tell you?" He said with a grin look on hosnface

" Yeah he'd be back at Fairy Tail shortly." Smiling

  " we found him that Demon..... Acnologia." He spoke with a trembling voice

  "WHHHAAATTT!!!!!!" The two exclaimed

" Laxus sent him to tell you, he didn't want to but he knew there'd be no stopping you." With a worrisome look upon his face

"THAT BASTARD!!!!" Wendy shouted to the heavens, the earth shattering beneath her feet. She spread her wings and shot up into the air. With the sound is the wind exploding around her she was off, Carla followed soon after.

" Be careful that's no ordinary Dragon that's a damned demon I tell you a DEMON!!!!!!" With a few tears running down his face.

  Flying faster than she ever had before following Gildarts scent. It wasn't long before she found him already fighting Acnologia. Pushing herself to fly even faster slamming into the side of the dragon bringing it to the ground. Gildarts turned to her

  "So I guess you found out then I'm sor......"

  "Cram it!!!!!! We can talk after we defeated him..... I will keep my promise as a Dragon-Slayer!!!"

Gildarts nods and wastes no time releasing his full magic power. His eyes and hair turning blood red a pure black aura exploding out of his body violently. Wendy unleashed the full power of DragonForce erupting in a swirling pink aura with the hair and eyes to match. Acnologia now raising above the trees shooting a demonic gaze towards the two wizards. Acnologia let's out a tremendous roar but the two wizards are not phased. Gildarts attacks

"Purifying truth firmament!!"

" Sky Dragon wing attack"

Both achieving a direct hit but unfortunately not a scratch was on the dragon before them. Gildarts turns to Wendy

  "We'll have to come up with a different strategy"

*Charging up energy*
"Here's one we slay us a dragon! Sky Dragon tal........"


Acnologia had swiped the Dragon-Slayer to the ground and the quickly whipped Gildarts with his tail. After hitting the ground Gildarts squashed into the ground by the dragon who continued to stomp on the Wizard over and over and over and over again. Acnologia readying another stomp Gildarts barely managed to get out of the way in time. Now turning his attention to Wendy the fight seemed to take a turn for the worse.

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