Chapter 10: Journey Ahead

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  The fight was over rather quickly. Natsu charged in but his arm seemed to go straight through Wendy. Confused he looked around he couldn't believe his eyes there seemed clones of her all around him. He hit clone after clone but each time they disappeared with one hit. Hearing her Giggling the amount of Wendy clones doubled. Natsu grew frustrated charging up his fire taking out all the clones, suddenly he fell unconscious. It happened Soo fast nobody believed their eyes, Wendy had struck him in the stomach. One hit was all it took, she soon realized she knocked him out.

   " Oh no I didn't mean to hit that hard, Natsu are you ok?" She said realizing she hit him at full power

  "................................" Natsu was down for the count

" Ahhh beans!!!"  She shouted as she rushed over to heal him.

    It took a few minutes for the healing to take. Everyone was praising Wendy for how strong she had gotten, but she was focused on healing Natsu at the moment. Natsu upon waking was confused as to why Wendy was leaning over him. He looked down and saw his stomach glowing, it was then he pieced together what happened. He lost to the Bluenette, he chuckled proudly at how powerful she'd become. Feeling a fire in his belly, he set his sights on catching up to the Sky Dragon-Slayer.

" Woah I can't believe how strong you are now. Ill getcha next time!"  Salamander finally spoke grinning with excitement in his eyes.

    After apologizing another dozen times they all strolled off back to the guild. With light conversations going on Wendy let out a smile on she didn't fake for the benefit of those around her. Although, Gay and Juvia had fallen a bit behind for a unknown reason. The group had slowed their pace so thath the Slushy couple could catch up. When they finally did everyone thought it'd be funny to act as if they didn't notice them missing. Out of nowhere Wendy fell flat on her face like she hadn't done in years.

  " Great I'm twelve again" she muttered from the ground

"You alright Wendy?" Natsu said helping her up

" Hmph "  she said as she slumped over depressed about something

"Uuuhhhh what's wrong, did I do something?" He said scratching his head

" You can tell us you know?" Lucy said concerned for the bluenette

" That right that's what friends are for" Erza and Gray said together as Juvia wrapped around the front of Gray dry humping him for attention. He and Juvia both blushed upon noticing he was naked again for no reason. He ran away as Juvia kept talking about wanting to be his pants.

" She's embarrassed haha"  Happy said flying in a circle

  "Happy...." Wendy muttered

" She's embarrassed haha!" Carla joined in. She missed Happy to the point she was now in her Exceed form joining in on his shenanigans.

" I-it's just......... I'm still the shortest one here, seven years and I only come up to Natsus' eyebrows!!...... Hmph" The bluenette said with a face as red as a tomato.

  "Oh that's right you're nineteen now." Lucy said now that she took a minute to think about it

   " The same age as me and Natsu...... We can go sooo many places together now!" Erza said with a sparkle in her eyes

  " Don't be sad about that Wendy, being smaller is probably why you're Soo fast.... Oh yeah and we gotta celebrate like a lotta birthdays for you now!" Natsu said reassuringly before letting out a goofy grinning

  " Juicy fishies....." Happy now in his own little world. Carla bopped him on the head snapping him our of it.


  " Happy we'll have to head home and grab some things for the party."  He said now excited about cramming seven birthdays into one big party

   " Uhhmmmm Natsu..... That's something else we need to talk about...." The Bluenette said twiddling her thumbs as she was nervous about telling them the duo had taken over their old house.

  " What's that huh?" He said plainly

"Well you see Wendy and I..." Carla tried explaining before getting cut off

" We moved into your house!" Wendy said abruptly her heart pounding from embarrassment

"............." Natsu tilted his head glaring at the bluenette for a moment

" We can move back t........" she said with a nervous look on her face as she still feared he'd mad they'd moved in

" THAT'S AWESOME!!! NEW ROOMIES!!" Happy and Natsu cheered. Carla and Happy danced around each other in joy. Wendy blushed a little as Salamander pick her up hugging her tightly and swinging her side to side.

  The whole group laughed as the moment had passed. Everyone had the se thought, thinking Natsu would show so restraint seeing how Wendy beat him with one hit. But that was Natsu, always has been always will be. All of them finally reaching Fairy Tail Natsu kicks the doors wide open. The entire guild half of them already drunk cheered at the sight of the returning team Natsu. Right as everyone was about to join their guild mates in the celebrations they all froze as the saw Fairy Tail's newest trophy, The tail of Acnologia. Carla then told the story of the fight with Acnologia as Wendy stood to the side trying to act as if it were no big deal. Erza was the first to ask about the armor of course, Carla and Wendy agreed to let her have some matireals for an armor and weapon set. Everyone else began praising her on her accomplishment. With that all done everyone continued to party and drink like the days of old. The Bluenette had never been much of a drinker, but tonight she planned on drinking the night away in celebration. Not a single person planned on going home that night. Although several members did sneak of to get "reacquainted" with one another later in the night.

  "To us " Gray said purposing a toast, gazing at Juvia his mind deep in thought

"And to Fairy Tail" A new voice said from behind

"Jellal?!?!?" Everyone exclaimed

" I won't let you hurt anyone here!" Natsu said as he jumped up in a firey blaze

  "Guys" Wendy said trying to get everyone to hear her

" Stand back" Lucy said

"GUYS!!! Jellal is a member of Fairy Tail now. " Wendy shouted in a high pitched voice finally getting them to hear her

   " WHAT!!!??!?" They all said in shock as Jellal revealed his Fairy Tail mark in the same location as Erza's.

" I heard the news that you were back and hoped to get a moment of Erza's time." He said calmly but with a bit of a nervous tone

  "O-of course......" Erza said as her heart simultaneously seemed to beat rapidly and sink

" Hey don't you ever hurt her again you hear us?" Everyone in the group including Carla and Wendy said sternly

  "Yes I hear you"  He responded with a stern look of his own

     With that all settled everyone continued to party. Smiling and cheering through out the guild hall could be heard for miles. Finally one night, just one night where nobody was feeling down. One night were everything felt right they all partied and drank late into the night. Thought everyone eventually split off though out the night, they almost all ended up passing out right before the break of dawn. Many hardships lay ahead but also many good times as well. But tonight belonged to the guild of Fairy Tail.

( This is the end I'm going to do some side stories but after that I might make a second book for this story I kept this to 10 chapters to try to not bore everyone )

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