Chapter 6: Demons part 2

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  Wendy unable to move out of the way in time braces for the worse. Acnologia's stomp leaves a massive crater in its wake all seems lost.

  "Wendy....... Wendy.......oh wake up dear now is no time for a nap!!" She says assertively

  " C-Carla???" Dazed an half conscious

"Yes dear it's me"  with a tearful a mile on her face

  The ground begins to shake as if the earth itself were trembling in fear. A loud explosion of pure magic energy destroys the forest behind Acnologia, now resembling a wasteland.

  "EEERRRRR AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Gildarts shouts erupting from the center of the wasteland. Greatly angered he turns to Acnologia

"IM NOT DONE WITH YOU FUCKING DRAGON....... YOU KILLED MY GUILD MATES I-I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAAAAAAAAAY" Now charging at the beast at full speed he comes to an abrupt halt as the Dragon finally spoke. Wendy, Carla and Gildarts all paused for a moment

  "Hahahaha I killed your friends with ease they screamed in agony, flailing around in pain before I ended their pathetic lives!!!" He said mocking the trio

*In complete unison*

"WHAT DID YOU SAY............"

Gildarts dashed forward gathering all of his magic power around his arms, condensed to the point that his arms appeared to be pure energy. Up in the air Wendy was gathering all the air around her making the air almost to thin to breath. Swirling all the wind and energy she could condensing it all her forearms to her hands now resembling bright pink Dragon claws so sharp it almost hurt just looking at them. Carla slightly further away charging up a pink and purple aura her legs seemed to be a blaze with a dark pink and purple fire. All charging forward they unleashed a coordinated attack

  "Aaaahhhh you die here!!! PURIFICATION"  Gildarts strikes the side of the Dragon shattering half of its ribcage. A few ribs could be see sticking out his body, the beast was no rocked and thrown off balance.

"Flaming Spirit axe kick!!" Carla's legs ablaze striking Acnologia on the neck burning him, leaving a huge wound across the side of his neck. The beast now grounded Carla and Gildarts now look up to the sky

"NOW WENDY!!!!!!!!!" Hearing them she comes flying down in am instant almost faster than the speed of light. The Dragon-Slayer now face to face with her foe take a moment..... She wants Acnologia to see it was HER whom struck the final blow.

"DRAGONFORCE SECRET ART: SKY DRAGON CLAW BARRAGE!!!!!!!!!!" Her claws were hitting soo fast they seemed like a pink blurry swirling line. Each hit seemed to rip through the air with explosive force. The sky shook and almost appeared to howl out in pain as each strike from he claws hit with more power. Dragon scales were flying everywhere as a vortex seemed to form around the two. The air was thinning and slicing all over the dragons body. The sky continued to cry out and tremble as the energy forming her claws grew unstable at an incredible rste. Finally cracking trough the armored faceplate the Dragon-Slayer put both hands together forming one giant dragon claw she prepared her final strike, the killing blow.


The claw land leaving huge claw marks running down the left side of his face. The sky seemed to whimper as the onslaught stopped. Wendy descends to the ground almost out of magic power looks over to Gildarts and Carla, as they themselves could barely stand they exhausted they magic power. Now taking a minute to breathe they gaze over at Acnologia, exposed bone, wounded neck and face, bleed out of all the cuts all over his body, wheezing and gasping for air. Wendy is sure the fight is won, when suddenly the dragon shoots up into the air attempting to flee

  "OH NO YOU DON'T....... GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!" Wendy screamed before chasing after him the sky seemed to shatter behind her. To exhausted to follow Carla and Gildarts pass out from overexertion. Wendy in hot pursuit

  "How's he still this fast, I can barely fly........ No I've got to keep going....... I've got to finish him." Pushing through the pain

  "Nooooo I won't allow myself to die..........not yet not yet!!!!!!" Letting out one last monstrous roar he whips Wendy with his tail..... It's a direct hit. Now falling to the ground the wounded Dragon-Slayer let's out one last attack

"SKY DRAGON TALON" She passes out but not before seeing a chunk of Acnologia's tail separate from his body as they both crash to the earth miles apart.

            *Two hours later*

"Demon demon demon..........demon.......demon demon demon DEMON...... Wendy.... Wendy..... How could you let that demon get away....... Our murder ......... Got........ Away....." Wendy heard in the distance as she ran towards the voices

"Natsu????? Erza?????? Lucy??????? Happy????? I didn't he's almost dead I just have t........" she was cut off as her friends sunk into the ground holding her still.

"Demon demon demon demon....." their voices rang Soo loud it was almost unbearable

"You failed Fairy Tail...... You've failed us." They all shouted before fading away. Wendy was now sitting in the dark alone ears ringing, as one word echoed to the point of driving her mad........ Demon

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Awaking in a cold sweat almost knocking Carla off the wagon in the process.

"Darling relax....relax you're alright.... It's alright I've got you" Carla said in a motherly time cradling the screaming Dragon-Slayer

"Where are we... Where's Gildarts.... Where's Acnologia..... What happened??!?!" Wendy frantically and panickingly asked without taking a breath almost frightening

"Relax were on our way to Fairy Tail, Gildarts is driving the wagon and as for the dragon........ Well he managed to escape" She answered calmly

  "You did well kiddo there's nothing to be ashamed of.......... We'll gett'em next time we'll make sure of it." He said reassuring her the best he could

   "..............." Looking down fiddling her thumbs

"What is all this back here" she asked to break the silence

"Scales lots and lots of Dragon scales, a few bone fragments, a chunk of that faceplate you broke and in the other wagon a dragon tail." He announced cheerfully

" Why do we have all this?" She ask with a confused look on her face

"Trophies, money, armor, weapons, what ever we want to do with 'em really." He said scratching his head

"Oh and how do you suppose we divide this all up sir Gildarts??" Carla asked with a stern look on her face

"Uuhhmmm three way split I figure but the tail should go to the guild trophy room, help keep up Fairy Tail's reputation." He said after taking a second to think

   "Ahhh...... That's..... actually quite wise indeed." She said I. Complete shock

"Demon" Wendy muttered to herself. The whole way back that was the only word that rang in her head echoing loudly. Her ears ringing and vision slightly blurry that's word was all she could hear it was driving her mad. Collapsing on Carla's lap plugging her ears she muttered the word once more as she drifted off to sleep.

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