Chapter 2: Sherlock Grian & Zedson

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Zedaph burst into Grian's starter base, shouting something unintelligible about Sherlock. Grian took this in stride, as such things were not entirely uncommon in Hermitcraft. He put down the shulker box he'd been filling with sand for some unimaginable purpose, and zipped over to the doorless entryway in which Zed stood. Zed had regained some of his composure by that point, and explained the situation in more detail: 

"Impy's been acting weird for the past week or so, and Tangy's been missing in action for five days! Naturally, as a close friend to both of them, I have, um... well.... if we're being honest, I've been quietly freaking out in my base. But I figure it's time for a rescue mission! Now, I've actually seen horror movies, so I don't wanna go in there alone. And I was wondering who could help me solve this case... when I realised!" He pointed at Grian. "Sherlock Grian!"

It was at this point that Grian remebered that he, in fact, did not have any of his detective stuff with him, as he'd left it all with Cub at the end of the last season. But on the other hand, Zed's story sounded a lot more concerning than Zed had made it out to be, and Grian didn't want to turn him away. Well. Time to improvise.

"Sorry Zed." Grian shrugged, "Sherlock's on a case right now. However! He's been teaching me a few... uh... tricks of the trade, so maybe I could help?"

Zed stared blankly at Grian for a moment, then started giggling uncontrollably at Grian's absurd claim. Grian joined in with Zed's infectious laughter, slightly confused, and the two giggled away for a minute or so.

"Grian..." Zed gasped, once he'd giggled himself out, "Why didn't you just TELL me you'd lost the outfit!?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Grian denied, stomping his foot. And with that, the two finally got serious, and started planning an investigation into what the hell was up with Impulse and Tango.

-Jack of Spades, Jack of Diamonds-

Impulse kicked and screamed in his mind, trying to resist every movement his body made, but to no avail. He kept fighting, he had to keep fighting, he had to break free. Of course, absolutely no progress was being made, but it was a valiant effort on Impulse's part.

He was walking down the underwater corridor, trying to make his legs stop moving, when he suddenly stopped, receiving new instructions. Someone was here. Tango seemed to sense it too, as he started screaming for the person to run, to get away, to get to safety. Impulse went to his cell, and rattled the bars.

"Shut up, demon." His voice hissed. Tango turned to look at him, a mixture of sadness and pity in his eyes. Impulse turned coldly away, and continued up the stairs to his main base.

"Hey Impulse!" Zed's voice called out, and Impulse felt the pit of his stomach drop. No. Zed couldn't be here. He didn't want to subject Zed to this hell, too. Tango was right. Zed had to run. Impulse put all of his effort into slowing himself down, stopping himself, and most importantly keeping Zed safe. He tripped over his own feet, but fell into a pair of arms. Zed.

"Hey Impy! You alright? I've been kinda worried." Zed asked, smiling and sunny and oh so innocent. Impulse could hardly watch.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Impulse's voice assured Zed, despite the fact that Impulse was very much not fine and Zed very much needed to run. The two continued a friendly conversation, Impulse trying to choke back his words, give Zed some sign that something was wrong. Eventually, he felt his hand reaching out for Zed's wrist, to keep him here so that monster could get him. Thankfully, Zed dodged it. He bade Impulse a quick goodbye, and flew off.

-Jack of Spades, Ace of Spades-

"Assessment?" Zed asked.

"Impulse-ter." Grian replied.

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