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Uncle Vernon is now putting a cage around mine and Harry's room. I get up from my bed and stand next to Harry who is glaring at Uncle Vernon.

"Welp...this is not normal." I say looking at the cage around our window. He nods and sits on his bed. I sit next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me with a face that telling me 'how are we gonna go to school now' I chuckle.

"We'll find a way Harry. Trust me." I say. He nods.

(Later that night)

I'm currently still awake in my day clothes (picture on top). Harry is still asleep while I'm just reading the muggle book Hermione gave me before leaving home.

"Y/n? Why are you still awake?" I hear Harry ask me. I turn to him and shrug.

"Couldn't sleep I guess." I say getting up and looking at the window Harry following. I see a light moving in the sky and hear some noise coming from it. It comes closer to mine and Harry's window's me and Harry back away from the window.

I then see a blue car with 3 Weasley's inside. "Hiya Harry and Y/n." Ron says. I laugh and put my hand to my heart.

"Ron. Fred. George. What are you all doing here?" Harry ask. I walk towards the window.

"Rescuing you both, of course. Now, come on, get your trunk." Ron says. Me and Harry look at each other before running to our trunks. I grab c/n 's cage and put c/n in her cage. I grab my Gryffindor scarf and put it in my trunk along with my bag. I close my trunk and signal Ron to take the cage off the window.

Ron puts a hook on the cage "better stand back" Me and Harry stand back.

"Let's go" Ron tells Fred who's driving. Fred drives the car and takes the cage off our window then comes back.

"Y/n give me c/n!" Ron says. I grab c/n who is in her cage and give her to Ron. I then put my trunk in the cars trunk along with Harry's and jump into the back seat.

Harry hand me Hegwig who's in her cage. I put her on George's lap and begin to help Ron.

"Come on Harry Hurry up!" Me and Ron say. I see uncle Vernon burst into our room. "Shit" I say.

"Petunia, they're escaping!" Uncle Vernon says running towards Harry who jumps in the car.

Uncle Vernon grabs Harry's ankle. I grab Harry's waist with Ron. "Come on Harry" I say I look at Uncle Vernon.

"Let go of him!" I tell uncle Vernon. Uncle Vernon just holds onto Harry's ankle.

"You, your sister, that bloody pigeon, and the orange creature are not going anywhere." Vernon says. I growl at the fact that he called c/n a 'orange creature'.

"Drive!" Me and Ron yell at Fred. "Right" he says. Fred begins to drive and Uncle Vernon loses his grip on Harry's ankle and falls into the bushes. Ron let's go of Harry.

My brother fixes himself and sits in the passenger seat I tackle him in a hug wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He chuckles but hugs me back with the same amount of tightness that I have around him. I let go of him and sit in the back seat again.

"I like your outfit y/n!" George teases. I laugh and Harry turns around and playfully glares at George.

"Don't try anything!" Harry says playfully but also seriously. I giggle as George puts his hands up in defense.

"By the way, Y/n and Harry, happy birthday." Ron says . Me and Harry smile and Ron. We all talk about what we did this summer even though me and Harry didn't do shit but expect for me. I went shopping with Aunt Petunia some times.

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