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Just as we finish looking over our game plan we walk out but get stopped by Professor McGonagall. She looks at me and Harry with worried face, causing me to go just as worried as her.

"This match has been canceled." She says. I furrow my brows we don't cancel quidditch. Just as I thought that, it seemed like Oliver read straight through my mind and repeated the exact same statement I just said.

"We don't cancel quidditch." He says looking just as confused as we all do. She gives him a slight glare.

"silence Wood, you and your teammates will go to Gryffindor tower. Now, Potter's." She explains then turns to me and Harry with a serious look I've never seen before in my life.

"You both and I will find Mr. Weasley. There's something the three of you will have to see." McGonagall explains. We follow the Professor and find Ron the the three of us follow her back into Hogwarts.

"What do you think this is about?" I ask breaking the awkward silence between the three of us.

"I don't know...Ron did Hermione ever go to the stands?" Harry asks, and that's when my mind snaps into a million pieces.

"No, she never came back. I suppose—Hey! Y/n!" Ron starts to explain but once he saw me run ahead he immediately called out my name.

"Y/n!" I hear Harry's faint shout. I run past McGonagall, I know I don't see it but i know she knows that I just figured out that Hermione got petrified.

I dash into the Hospital Wing and see a new bed that has curtains around it. I move the curtains and I see a petrified Hermione laying there with her right hand sticking out. I touch her hand and it is freezing cold before I even touched it.

I look to my right and see a mirror. I pick it up and examine it for a moment, and that's when it hits me.

"You knew...but why?" I whisper looking at my now petrified Gryffindor friend.

"I warn you, this could be a wee bit of shock." I hear McGonagall. In a swift moment I put the mirror back to where it was before.

The Professor spots me and sighs. I move out of the way so Ron and Harry could take a look at Hermione.

I could see that Harry and Ron gone lost for words as they look at our best friend.

"Hermione." Ron lets out an anxious shaky breath. I walk over to him and wrap an arm around his shoulder giving him comfort.

"She was found in the library. Along with this." Professor McGonagall explains picking up the mirror that I was just holding a minute or two ago.

"Does this mean anything to either of you?" She asks as she takes a glance at each one of us, who heads shake.

Harry then decides to place his hand on top of hers feeling the way her hand his frozen.

(Time skip)

A few hours have past and I still can't get over the fact that Hermione is petrified. All of the Gryffindor's are in the Common room waiting for Professor McGonagall.

Me and Harry are still in our Quidditch uniform and me, Ron, and Harry are standing next to the staircase to the dorms.

"Can I have your attention please!" I hear Professor McGonagall catching mine and the rest of the other Gryffindor's.

"Because of recent events these new rules will be put into effect immediately." She rolls out her parchment paper and reads the rules out loud so everybody can hear her.

"All students will return to their common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher, no exceptions." She finishes explaining the rules and closes the parchment paper.

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