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"Y/N LILY POTTER!" I hear making me stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turn around and see the similar/my favorite Hufflepuff.

"Cedric! Hi! How are you-" I get cut off by his tall body colliding with mine in a massive bear hug. I chuckle and pat his back.

"I've been worried about you for THE PAST MONTH!" Cedric mumbles on my shoulder. I smile and release the warm hug looking at the worried Hufflepuff.

"Cedric, I'm fine. I'm here now aren't I?" I say with a small smile. He huffs and pouts. I giggle and give him another hug burring my face in his chest.

I can tell he's smiling as he hugs back. I let go of him and have a small chat with him to catch up with a few things.

"Oh! I heard that Harry was looking for you. I heard him shouting your name near the library." He says with a smirk. I laugh and shake my head.

"I think I know why he's calling me." I say knowing EXACTLY what he's calling me for. And just on cue a hand grips my wrist making me wip around to face a very worried Harry James Potter.

"Y/n..." he starts out of breath making me chuckle and send my loving Hufflepuff a look. Cedric nods, kissing my forehead and walks away.

"You have got to stop scaring me." Harry says his breathing steady. I smile and grab his hand and tell him where to direct me.

"So you're sure it was Hagrid?" I ask as we look for Hermione and Ron.

"Yes, Y/n/n how many times do I have to t-"

"I found them!" I exclaim dragging Harry with me cutting him off.

I run up to Ron and Hermione in courtyard since Hermione officially got out of the Hospital wing. I hug Hermione from behind making her jump and me laugh.

Harry comes by my side and he begins to tell them.

"It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago." Harry says. Hermione and Ron look at him like he's crazy...I gave the same expression.

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione says while shaking her head clutching her books.

"We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." Ron added agreeing with Hermione. Get together already!-

"The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done?" Harry asked.

"Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it?" I suggest looking at the three.

Ron rolled his eyes at me making me glare. "That'd be a cheerful visit. Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately."

"Mad and hairy? Wouldn't be talking about me now would ya?" I hear behind me. Me and the trio freeze at the familiar voice. We wheel around and see Hagrid grinning.

The four of us have guilty looks plastered on our faces. "No!" We blurt out making Hagrid look at us suspiciously.

I look at what Hagrid is carring and change the subject. "What's that you've got, Hagrid?" I ask innocently pointing to the can.

"Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. For the Mandrakes, ya know. According to Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growing up to do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop them up, stew them an' get those people in the hospital un-petrified. Till then, you four best watch yourselves all right?"

We nod and watch Hagrid walk away. Just then Neville came running up to us four. He looked pale and terrified.

"Harry! I don't know who did it, but you'd better come."

Me and Harry send each other a look and run after Neville, Hermione and Ron right behind us.


"I cannot believe someone would do such a thing like that!" I spat while in my quidditch uniform getting ready for the game against Hufflepuff.

Ron and Hermione nod in agreement as we head out to the quidditch pitch. I smile as I feel the wind breeze against my face and blow my hair back. I enjoy the moment until I hear the one voice I hate to hear.

"Kill this time...let me rip...tear." I stop dead in my tracks making Hermione bump into me and furrow her brows looking between my brother and I.

"No, please don't tell me." Ron started.

Hermione then speaks up beaming. "Y/n, Harry....I think I've got to go to the library!" As Hermione sprinted back to Hogwarts, me and Harry yell.

"what do you understand!" But she's gone and I turn to to Ron puzzled. "The library?"

"That's our Hermione." I say with a small grin. We continue to walk to the quidditch pitch, Ron going to the stands, and me and Harry going to the lockers.

Since I was only in my quidditch sweater I open my locker and grab my red quidditch robes. I put it on and adjust my clothing before grabbing my broom and, walking out with the team.


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