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(Your POV)

Today's the day. I get to go back to Hogwarts. Not that I don't wanna stay with my's just I wanna go back to Hogwarts and live my life.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" Mum and dad ask in unison. I nod smiling. They clap their hands and the Gryffindor door opens showing a white bright light.

I hear some voices coming from outside as well. "Get a move on we're losing her!" A woman yells. I look at my parents confused and they look at me confused as well.

"No! That's her brother, let him stay." Madam Promfrey says. Harry? He's there?

"I'm afraid we can't do that." A male voice says snapping his fingers.

"NO! LET GO OF ME! LET ME SEE MY SISTER!" I hear Harry yell. I sadly smile. But I immediately frown once I hear a beep then a long silence.

"What's happening" I ask as I see the white light fade a bit.

"Sweetheart we love you truly." Mum says looking at the light then me kissing my forehead.

"Never forget that." Dad says kissing my forehead as well.

"Mum, dad what are you doing?" I ask

"We love you." They say before pushing me out the door.

"AHHHHHH MUM, DAD!" I scream as I fall.
I cough out some saliva while sitting up. I feel wires connected to me and I blanket on my waist.

"She's alive!" A woman says. I continue to cough and I start to feel pain in my throat and body making me cry out from the pain.

I get lied back down as I adjust my settings I notice I'm in the hospital wing. They brought me back. I see a bunch of healers around me. They smile down at me and hand me a few drinks, to which I drink.

They take the wires off my body and I clip my shirt back on as I sit up.  I look up to see the familiar black hair and round glasses. He smiles and runs to my bed and hugs me tightly not wanting to let go.

"Thank Merlin you're alive!" Harry says. I giggle and pull away from the hug.  "So, what happened again?" I ask.

"Y-you don't remember?" Harry ask shocked. I shake my head. He sighs and sits down next to me grabbing my hand not daring to let go.

"Well..." he starts and explains the whole story. "Wow..that's a lot to take in." I say. Harry Agrees with me.

"...WAIT! So I missed Christmas!" I whine. Harry nods with a slight frown.

"That's sucks. Where are my gifts?" I ask.

"I'm your dormitory, there safe don't worry." I smile and nod.

"When are you allowed to be out of the hospital wing?" Harry ask.

"Until tomorrow." I say. Harry nods and says he's going back to the Common Room.

"See you tomorrow." I say smiling. I miss mum and dad already. I frown.

(Ginny's POV)

I'm currently sitting in the dorm I share with Hermione and Y/n. I'm writing to Tom what happened to Y/n, and he seems really interested and when I mean by Really I mean really interested.

'What caused her to almost die?' Tom asked. I sigh and begin writing back. Weird thinks have been happening between this book and me. I'm told to do something and when I reject...I don't know.

'Some type of Power, I don't know. She just randomly made Crabbe fly across the Slytherin common room and knock him out.'

'Interesting...say. Why don't you do another job for me.' Oh no...not this again!

'W-what is it?' I'm so stupid why did I ask that.

'I want you to bring me the Y/n girl down into the Chamber.' Yeah no...she just recovered.

'No way! She's my friend and she's just recovering!"

'Fine, you get me a month if not, I'll do it myself." I gulp and shut the book closed.

"What have I gotten myself into..." I mumble to myself. I have to stay away from y/n as much as possible. Actually...

I get up from the bed and run out of the room and Gryffindor common room. I carefully go down the stairs and I continue running.

I run into Moaning Myrtles bathroom ignoring her calls asking why I'm here. I open a stall and throw my book in there and try to flush it down. I didn't even see the results I run out of the bathroom and back to the Common room.

(Your POV)

It's been a month after my little incident and the rumors spread quick. Some people actually wanted me to die and the rest didn't want me to die. Crabbe and Goyle promise to stay away from me after what happened, one, they're scared, two, they...I think they feel sorry.

Every time I try to talk to Ginny she just runs from me. I don't see what I did wrong, I just want her to know I'm not going anywhere.

"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Ron ask me and Harry.

"She should be out of Hospital in a few days." I say walking up the stairs with Harry and Ron.

"When she stops coughing up fur balls" Harry says finishing my sentence. The three of us look down at the floor to see it flooded.

"What's this?" I ask. We give each other looks and follow the flooded path.

"Yuck!" Ron says. I grin and look at the trail of water.

"Looks like Moaning Myrtle flooded the bathroom." Me and Harry says in unison.

"You both sound like Fred and George." Ron says looking between us.

"We always talk like this." Me and Harry say again. Ron winces "stop that."

"Sorry." Me and Harry say AGAIN before wincing. "Well...then let's go." I say running to Myrtles bathroom. The boys following me.

We walk into the bathroom only to hear Myrtle doing her daily moans while either flying or sitting down.

I point to Myrtle seeing her and walk forward for a better view. Myrtle sees us and stops crying "come to throw something at me." She asks. I was about to speak until My brother interrupts me.

"Why would I throw something at you?" He ask.

"Don't ask me!" Myrtle says getting up and floats. "here I am minding my own Business and someone thinks it funny to throw a book at me." The ghost whimpers with a small pout on her face.

"but wouldn't it just go through you? I mean you can't feel anything?" Ron asks. (a/n: I don't have the movie on right now so the lines aren't gonna be exactly like they are supposed to.)

I nudge Ron in the ribs signaling to Shut.The.Fuck.Up. Myrtles face goes into anger as she immediately flys in front of Ron. Ron goes a bit pale and backs away a bit.

"Yeah! Go ahead! Let's all throw books at Moaning Myrtle because she can't feel anything. 10 points if it goes through her head!" She exclaims her fist going straight through Ron's head.

"10 points if it goes through her stomach!" She cries out her fist going through the gingers stomach. Myrtle and the boys continue to bicker while I just zone out.

I feel my self vibrating and my soul slowly float out of my body. "Y/N?" I snap my head at my brother who yelled out my name. His face holds concern, worried, and confused.

"W-what? What's going on?" I ask my head starting to hurt a bit. "You zoned out a bit and your breathing got heavy, but your okay now." Harry explains his hand gripping mine.

I don't deserve you Harry. I thought with a sad smile.

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