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You pushed the piece into the ship, but it just couldn't fit with all the other components in the ship. Frustrated, you grunted and hit the part in but it still wouldn't fit.

"Ugh." You said, annoyed as you put the piece down on the table and you dropped your tool in frustration.

You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. "You should really take a break." Your boyfriend, Carmen, said. His voice was soothing and you let out a sigh of satisfaction. "I have to get this client's ship done." You said sadly and you looked up at him with a sad smile.

"Well I'm sure it'd go a lot faster if you took a break. Because if you had a little bit of rest you would have been able to see that when you put the piece like this-" Carmen said unwrapping his arms from your waist and moving to the piece. He tilted it and placed it in the compartment. It was a perfect fit. "It would be able to sit snugly in this space." He said with a prideful smile and you rolled your eyes.

"Okay okay. You win." You said and he chuckled. "So I was thinking we should go to that diner a few blocks over, I heard they have really good rancor steak." He said as he laced his fingers with yours. You smiled and nodded. "That sounds good right about now anyway. Do they have shakes?" You asked and he raised an eyebrow. "What diner doesn't?" He asked and you grinned. "Lame ones." You replied and he laughed as the both of you began to walk out of the warehouse where you did all of your work.

After eating, yourself and Carmen returned to the warehouse, you finished your work while Carmen worked on some tech for other clients. You were happy with Carmen.

You stood up straight after having been squatting to put a part in its place. "Finished!" You called over to Carmen and he lifted his goggles. "I'm almost done and then we can go home." He replied and you nodded. "We're still watching the one movie. Right?" You asked as you wiped your hands of grime and grease with a rag. "Are we really watching that one again?" He sighed and you smiled. "Hell yes we are." You replied and he rolled his eyes with a smile before putting his goggles back on to weld two pieces of metal together.

But before he could keep welding again a small clank was heard from the entrance of the shop. You turned your head, but didn't see anything. You heard a beeping and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You walked over to where you heard the beeping come from. But once you heard the beeping increase your eyes widened "Get down!" You yelled to Carmen just before the grenade blew, making you fly backwards into a pile of crates. The air was knocked out of you and you felt as if you possibly cracked a rib. You groaned in agony.

"Carmen!" You yelled, the place was on fire and now pieces of the ceiling were falling. You got up and clutched your left side, trying to ease the sharp pains erupting after you stood up. You hobbled over to where Carmen lay, unconscious. You knelt down and felt for his pulse, he was alive. You let out a sigh of relief.

You then heard footsteps from behind you and you turned around to see someone erupt from the blaze. They were tall, and their skin was a dark red. "Out of my way, puny human." He growled and you stood up quickly, pain shot out from your left side but you masked the pain as you pulled out a hidden blaster from under your shirt, where it was tucked into your belt. You aimed it at the monster before you. "Get the hell out of my shop." You growled as you aimed it straight for his chest. You took a few shots at him, but he was quick. He blocked it with armor on his forearm and charged at you. But before you even knew what was happening he swung his arm, hitting you in the torso and sending you flying again, this time into a wall and then onto the ground.

You grit your teeth in pain as you tried getting up, only barely being able to sit up against the wall. You saw the monster carrying Carmen over his shoulder. You grabbed your blaster again, as it didn't land too far from you and you aimed it at the monster. But a sharp pain made you aim slightly downwards and you pulled the trigger.

The monster screamed in pain, you'd hit him in the leg. You looked up to see him aiming a blaster at you and he began to shoot it, but upwards. Then, the ceiling collapsed from above you and you lifted your arm to block the flaming pieces of wood. They narrowly missed you but it was enough for the monster to assume you were dead as he limped away with your boyfriend.

You stood up and made your way, painfully, to the outside of your burning shop. You saw a ship take off from one of your landing ports. It was a Nevarro ship. You tightened your hand into a fist.

Of all places, it had to be Nevarro.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now