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A smirk on your face played when you were brought before the 'leader' of the Black Sun. "You've caused a lot of trouble for my clan, Y/N." Kervan said and you shrugged. "That's why you don't mess with a bounty hunter. You know the Guild will come after you for this." You added and he shook his head. "I'll take my chances. Get this man his reward." Kervan said, a couple of other members of the Black Sun brought him a hovering crate of credits.

"What brings you to Nevarro, Kervan?" You questioned, genuinely curious. "You, in fact. My forces were destroyed here, and I'm stretched too thin to send anymore here. So unfortunately, i'm here in the flesh." He said and you shrugged, "You're welcome." You replied and you noticed as he clentched his fists tightly. "Take her to her cell." He ordered and you were immediately dragged away.

At least the cell wasn't disgusting like the last one you'd seen Carmen in. But it wasn't that great, it was extremely hot in the cell, and it didn't make it any better that you were wearing a suit that covered every inch of your skin other than your face. Well that was until a random clan member you'd never seen came in and put a bag on your head. You would have taken it off but your wrists were bound to the arms of the chair. So now you could barely breathe, and you were sweating your ass off.

You let out a hefty sigh, the hot air of your breath hitting the inside of the bag and hitting the skin of your face. You could have sworn you heard a ruckus just outside of your cell but you were also hoping it was just some sort of air conditioning ventilation kicking up.

Unfortunately it wasn't, and the cell blast door 'wooshed' open. You heard heavy footsteps before suddenly a hand was tightly on your neck, and you were being choked. Great, now you were dying and you couldn't see your assailant. "What did you do to her?" You heard Din's familiar modulated voice. He was very angry. The asshole didn't even consider to think maybe it was you who had been under Boushh's mask.

You didn't speak though, you could already barely breathe through the mask and now your windpipe was being crushed by your childhood best friend. Then suddenly the covering of the bag came off of your head and your suffocating face had been exposed. "What did you-" Then he immediately let go and you coughed out a breath.

"You're an asshole." You growled but he just stood, rigid, most likely the most shocked expression. Then, out of the blue, he hugged you. It was a strong hug, of course you couldn't hug back but it shocked you. "Kriff, I'm so sorry." He then apologized and you shook your head. "You can be sorry when you get me out of here."

Din immediately got to work unbinding you from the chair. You were loose and once you stood, he stopped in front of you. "You left something- in your motel room." He said as he handed you the necklace. The one you wore everywhere. You remember being with Carmen and he would always ask you about it, because you wore it no matter what. You gently took the necklace from his grasp. "Thank you... Din." You whispered his name, he only gave a small tilt of his head in response.

He walked out of the cell, blaster in hand. He checked each end of the hall before motioning you to follow him. You wasted no time snatching a blaster out of one of the unconscious bodies lying on the floor. "How did you find me?" You whispered and he chuckled. "You're not the only one with superior tracking skills." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "But- You wanted me... to find myself..." You reminded and he scoffed. "Can we talk about this later?" He questioned and you rolled your eyes.

You followed him down some various hallways but one, he stopped so quickly your brain didn't register it, you walked a little past him but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you backwards. You tumbled but he caught you. Before you could open your mouth to say anything he brought a finger up to his helmet, where his mouth would be. You both peeked out, from around the corner. You saw Carmen, walking your way. He hadn't seen either of you, however and seemed to have a prideful look on his face. "What's he doing here?" Din questioned and you sighed. "Surprise, he's the one who kidnapped me, and brought me here. Revenge." You muttered and you heard Din's glove. You looked to see he was clenching it tightly. "Whatever you're thinking-" You began as he moved you aside. "It's not a good idea." You whispered as you heard Carmen's footsteps literally right around the corner.

Then, as he appeared, Din snatched him and put a hand over his mouth. Carmen's eyes were wide as he looked at you. You grinned. "Well hello there." You said, tilting your head to the side. "You're gonna help us get out of here and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Because if we don't, I know someone who has a pet sarlacc pit and I'm sure it's hungry this season." You commented, knowing Carmen's fear of sarlacc pits. His eyes widened and he nodded, obliging to your threat.

He led yourself and Din towards the exit, but Carmen then tried to scream for help. You watched as Din shot him in the back, and Carmen fell immediately to the ground. "Lets go." Din said as he grabbed your wrist. "Y/N... help.. please i'm sorry.." Carmen begged as he clenched his stomach in pain. You just flipped him the bird and ran off with Din. You saw a small speeder bike Din must have brought, but even before you both could get to it, it suddenly blew up.

You both had been close enough to the blast that it seemed to throw you both backwards. Din quickly wrapped his arms around you before you both hit the ground, yours being less rough than his.

As soon as you were both able to look up, you saw a group of Black Sun members heading your way. Din quickly picked you up once more and suddenly, your feet were off the ground, his arms were tightly wrapped around your torso. "When we land, I'm going to cover you. You need to get back to the space port and get my ship." He said loudly, over the loud sounds of the wind and his jet pack.

"They'll kill you! I won't leave without you, Din!" You exclaimed. You saw he was looking at you through his visor, as if he were really thinking something through.

But, out of the clouds emerged a bright, chrome ship. The Razor Crest. You noticed Greef Karga smiling widely, and the small green child sitting on the control panel. The ship's hull began to open mid-air and Din flew right to the opening. Blaster fire began to hit the side of the ship. Just as you were almost there, into the safety of the Razor Crest, Din's jet pack was blasted. He launched you forward, you grabbed onto the edge of the ramp and then reached out and grabbed Din's wrist.

You groaned loudly as you held onto Din for dear life, dangling high in the atmosphere. "You have- to protect- the child!" Din groaned, shouting loudly. "You're going to help me!" You said, you squeezed your eyes shut, you were weakening fast. "You can't hold both of us Y/N!" He shouted but you only gripped onto him tighter as you gritted your teeth and threw your head back, straining immensely.

"I- won't- let- you go!" You shouted. Your grip was loosening on the edge of the ramp, your muscles were clearly straining, your veins in your arms sticking out.

"Din- I-" You couldn't finish your sentence before you felt your sweaty palm begin to slip off of the ramp, and now you were going to fall.

Or at least you thought. All of the weight, yours and Din's immediately vanished, and you were floating along with Din. When your head peeked over the edge of the ramp you saw the green child, both hands raised, bug eyes squeezed shut. That thing was lifting the both of you and moving you into the ship. The child let you both down, you both touched down with a 'thud' and immediately the ramp closed and the ship was off.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now