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Your first venture back into the cantina was definitely interesting. Stares from all around were directed on you. But you felt confident enough, even if your hands were getting a little clammy underneath the brown gloves you were wearing.

You sat across from Greef Karga, who then set out a holo translator so he could understand what you were saying, since the modulator in your helmet only allowed you to speak Ubese.

"My next job." You said, which then came out as Ubse. The language sounded raspy and robotic.  Greef read the translation and pulled out some pucks. "Empire refugee. Bail jumper. Oh an assailant." He said and you picked up the assailant puck, you clicked the puck down and the holo image of the target. You nodded, satisfied by your choice. You began to slide out of the booth but Greef stopped you. "But that particular mission requires a partner of equal or higher rank. That assailant is extremely dangerous." He said and you spoke out immediately, "I can take care of it myself." You said, and it only came out as angry static and raspy words. You watched as the translator began translating your words. "I'm afraid not Boushh. But here comes your colleague now." He said and you turned to look at the partner you would take on to go find the assailant.

Out of the nearly hundred guild members and you had to be assigned with Din Djarin? You turned towards Greef but he was already out of the booth. "Good luck to you, Boushh." He said and he scurried away. You tightened your fist into a ball. Why did the universe have to be so cruel to you?

You stood up and were now facing Din. But he thought he was facing Boushh. "I thought the Black Sun killed you, Boushh." He said and you tilted your head, ever so slightly. "I thought Moff Gideon had you dead." You said in Ubesian. Din didn't say anything but turned away and walked out of the cantina, you followed him.

So he thinks you're Boushh.

And he probably didn't understand what you had even said. Regardless, you followed him all the way to the Razor Crest. You made no complaints about who took who's ship as you didn't even have a ship anymore.

You sat down in the hull, not bothering to sit with him in the cockpit, you were already to enraged to be near him. You sat on some random crate towards the back of the hull and pulled out your weapons to prepare them for your next mission.

You felt when the Crest rose from Nevarro's scorched ground and even when it jumped into hyperspace. But you kept your focus on your weapons, and nothing more. That's when you heard a coo come from behind a wall. You looked around, clearly confused by it. So you stood up and began to investigate.

You didn't find anything, and decided to play it off as a mechanic of some sort inside the metal walls of the Razor Crest and continued cleaning the carbon scoring off of your blaster.

It felt like forever until you landed on Corellia, the last spotted position of the assailant.

You stood once Din descended down the ladder and then pressed a green triangle to open up the ramp. You followed him down and he ended up using his holopad on his vambrace to close the ship's hull.

You led the way this time into the busy streets of Corellia. And thank the maker you were wearing a filtered mask because the last time you were on Corellia, whatever horrible stench was in the air stayed stuck in your nostrils for nearly a week.

You began to hear your tracking fob go off, the assailant was dumb enough to kick back on Corellia for the time being. You stuck to fob in your shirt, to keep it muffled as you continued on your way and paid close attention to how the beeping intensified as you neared the target.

But you were led to a dead end, the end of the tracks seemingly. That was until there was a blaster shot and suddenly a grunt from Din, you practically shoved your whole body into him while wrapping your arms around his midsection and diving for the nearest cover which was the corner of some unoccupied building.

"Are you hurt?" You asked Din, but then realizing he probably didn't understand you because of the modulator in your helmet. "I'm fine." He replied instantly and even catching you off guard. "Hit me in the beskar." He added, short and simple as he pointed to the carbon scoring on his right shoulder pad. You nodded, trying to collect yourself after figuring out that Din can somehow understand Ubesian.

"He's on the roof." You noted, "Left side." You said after you realized Din was about to use the thermal vision modified into his helmet. He turned his head towards you momentarily, as if he were curious to how you already knew. But you didn't need thermal vision to know where that blaster shot came from. "Keep him busy, I'll flank him." You said, it again exiting as Ubesian instead of English.

He only gave a simple nod but that was enough for you to be on your way. You had to climb a ventilator sticking out of the wall, and then you grabbed onto a pole sticking out of the building. You pulled yourself up, while being as quiet as possible. Once you made it up, you used another part of the building- a corner, as cover. You checked around and saw the assasian watching his scope, waiting for Din to pop out again. Which he did, and shot at the man and the man shot back, but both missed.

Some renounced assailant he was.

You snuck up behind him and just as you were about to grab the scruff of his collar he flipped around, being on his belly, and used his blaster to whip you right in the left side. You tumbled to the side at the sudden hit, maybe he wasn't so stupid after all.

He got up and began to run, but you pulled out a vibroblade dagger and threw it at him like you were playing darts. The dagger hit him in the shoulder blade and his moment became faster in his top half than his bottom half, making him topple over. You quickly ran over to him and grabbed your vibroblade out of his back all the meanwhile dodging another blow to your side by his sniper blaster. You grabbed the end of his blaster and twisted it out of his hands, but he brought a sweep of his legs to your ankles, make you fall over and knocking some of the wind out of you.

You pulled out your blaster but he kicked it out of your hand. Thankfully in your other hand, was your vibroblade, and you swung your arm to stab him right in his calf, making him scream as he fell. You scrambled to your feet while grabbing your blaster and you pointed it at him. "You're done." You remarked, but again forgetting that it came out as Ubesian.

He clutched his leg where your vibroblade was poking out of, he looked at you confused and in pain. You cuffed both of his wrists together, then stripped him of all his weapons. Afterward you pulled your vibroblade out of his leg and picked him up. He howled in pain as you made your way off of the roof and to Din, who was just leaning against the wall.

You pushed the bounty towards him, and the bounty fell to the ground. "You are nearly of no help." You grumbled and Din only turned his head ever so slightly towards you.

Din picked up the bounty and you both began the trek back to Din's ship without either the bounty or Din saying another word.

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